New and Aspiring Farmer Survey – Southeast Michigan

Southeast Michigan farmers and aspiring farmers are being asked to participate in a research study of resources, needs, and demands of future farmers in the region. This study is being conducted collaboratively by the MSU Extension Office in Jackson County and the Food System Economic Partnership. Questions will cover your experiences with farming, your future career, and the challenges you see to reaching your farming goals. The survey only takes about 15 minutes, and your participation will help identify your needs and how they might best be addressed. Below you will find a consent form which is necessary for this kind of work, and at the bottom, a link to the Survey Monkey survey. Please click 'Read More' if might be willing to participate!

Research Participant Information and Consent Form

You are being asked to participate in a research project.  Researchers are required to provide a consent form to inform you about the study, to convey that participation is voluntary, to explain risks and benefits of participation, and to empower you to make an informed decision.  You should feel free to ask the researchers any questions you may have.

Study Title: Analyzing the market for land-based agriculture education among various audiences- Paper or Online Survey

Researcher and Title: Dr. Stephen Lovejoy-Michigan State University,  Anne West- Research Intern, Phil Tocco- Agriculture/Natural Resources Educator, MSU Extension – Jackson County

Department and Institution: Michigan State University Extension.

Address and Contact Information:

Michigan State University Extension c/o Dr. Stephen Lovejoy 108 Ag Hall East Lansing, Michigan 48824-1039 Phone: 517-355-2308 Fax: 517-355-6473; Food System Economic Partnership c/o Anne West 705 North Zeeb P.O. Box 8645 Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8645 Phone: 734-222-6859 Fax: 734-222-3990


You are being asked to participate in a research study of resources, needs, and demands for future farmers in southeast Michigan. This study is being conducted collaboratively by the MSU Extension Office in Jackson County and the Food System Economic Partnership. You have been selected as a possible participant because of your interest and/or affiliation with agricultural and future farmer groups. From this study, the researchers hope to learn about the major hurdles and resources available for new farmers as well as demand for farmer support programs for future farmers in southeast Michigan. Your participation in this study will take about 15 minutes. If you are under 18, you cannot be in this study without parental permission.


You will be asked to fill out a 22 question survey which should take about 15 minutes to complete.


You will not directly benefit from your participation in this study.  However, your participation in this study may contribute to the understanding of major hurdles to new farmers and how organizations can support new farmers to overcoming these hurdles and starting farming ventures.


There are no foreseeable risks associated with participation in this study.


The data for this survey are being collected anonymously. Neither the researcher nor anyone else will be able to link data to you. The results of this study may be published or presented at professional meetings, but the identities of all research participants will remain anonymous.  All data will be kept in a locked file cabinet for five years, then destroyed.  The only people with access to this drawer will be the study investigator and the Human Research Protection Program.  Your confidentiality will be protected to the maximum extent allowable by law

6. Your rights to participate, say no, or withdraw

Participation in this research project is completely voluntary. You have the right to say no. You may change your mind at any time and withdraw without penalty or loss of benefit to which you are otherwise entitled. You may choose not to answer specific questions or to stop participating at any time. If mid-way through the survey you decide that you would like to quit, you may either stop or submit the survey as incomplete.


You will not receive money or any other form of compensation for participating in this study.

8.  Contact Information for Questions and Concerns

If you have concerns or questions about this study, such as scientific issues, how to do any part of it, or to report an injury, please contact the researcher, Phil Tocco at Jackson County Extension, 1715 Lansing Avenue Suite 257, Jackson, Michigan 49202-2193. Phone: 517-788-4292. You may also contact Dr. Stephen Lovejoy, the Primary Investigator, at (517) 355-2308.

If you have questions or concerns about your role and rights as a research participant, would like to obtain information or offer input, or would like to register a complaint about this study, you may contact, anonymously if you wish, the Michigan State University’s Human Research Protection Program at 517-355-2180, Fax 517-432-4503, or e-mail or regular mail at 207 Olds Hall, MSU, East Lansing, MI 48824.

By clicking on the link below or copying and pasting it in your web browser, you are consenting to participate in this research survey.

If you do not wish to participate, click the “x’ in the top corner of your browser to exit.

2 Comments on New and Aspiring Farmer Survey – Southeast Michigan

  1. Fyi, I’m working on a project in conjunction with the Cheshire County (NH) Conservation District that involves interviewing farmers about their labor and infrastructure needs. I accessed your online survey to see the types of questions asked as I develop an interview guide for our project. If you have a survey completed Nov 8, 2010 with no responses provided, this is the reason. Thank you. — Tania Schusler

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