Goat Farming in India

A reader recently asked for information about Goat Farming in India. Here is what I was able to find (Updated 8/28/10).

Also see our Goat Farming Page which includes these links and much more! And see our new post listing Free Research Articles About Goat Farming in India.

Indian Goat Farm is a livestock breeding farm and has lists of goat suppliers:

Nadur Goat Farm has general information about goat farming and stall feeding:

For a comprehensive overview of statistics and trends regarding goat farming in India visit:

Self Pvt. Ltd. Has information about goat farming, history, and supplies:

aAqua has a discussion thread about goat farming in India:

All Experts links to articles about goat farming in India:

Commercial Goat Farming: An Emerging Agri-Business Opportunity in India is an article written in 2007 by Shalander Kumar:

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research has lots of information about commercial goat farming:

Goats, Goats, Goats, has information about goat farming in India:

Ajaputra Goat Farm situated 3 kms from Amalner town in northern part of Maharashtra in Dist. Jalgaon has a great website with information about raising goats, goat breeds, sales, and more.

Links to lots of goat products and individual farms in India can be found at:

Buy/Sell Goats – Barbary Goats Farming Project Maharashrta:

A comprehensive FAO Publication on Sheep and Goat Breeds for Each Region of India is available at:

The Indian Society for Sheep and Goat Production and Utilization Newsletter is a great resource available at:

India’s Central Institute for Research on Goats (CIRG) webpage can be found at:

68 Comments on Goat Farming in India

  1. this is very good website .

  2. Hi there,

    For links to information on all of these things, please go to our goat farming page:

    There you will find lots of sites which have more information than I could possibly provide you on all of these things.


  3. Dear sir,

    I am interested in starting Goat Farm. would you kindly tell me the details
    – goat farm plan & structure
    -maintenance cost
    -Feed required and it is available, cost etc
    -and any information about goat farm food for goat, disease and vaccination etc.

    I will be grateful if you kindly provide me the above information.

    Kind regards,

    sajid khan

  4. Sir I got land 20 acers want to go for goat farming pl, let me know about housing litter flooring ,,, fodder; selvage feeding pl.replay soon

  5. Sir, i m planning to stablist goat farming in bihar..So pls give me full detail of project. with goat house map.

  6. Please send the details of Goat farming business plan like

    1) What is the cost of one small Goat?
    2) where we get the child Goat?
    3) How many day to take growth?
    4) What they will eat?
    5) What are the disadvantages?
    6) How mach investment will happen ?

  7. 1) What is the cost of one small Goat?
    2) where we get the child Goat?
    3) How many day to take growth?
    4) What they will eat?
    5) What are the disadvantages?
    6) How mach investment will happen ?

  8. Dear sir,

    I am interested in starting Goat Farm. would you kindly tell me the details
    – goat farm plan & structure
    -maintenance cost
    -Feed required and it is available, cost etc
    -and any information about goat farm food for goat, disease and vaccination etc.

    I will be grateful if you kindly provide me the above information.

    Kind regards,

    sohil shekh

    • I get so many of these requests. I am not USAID, The UN, or a well funded nonprofit that helps with these things. I wish I was. But I’m actually just a guy who ties to provide information to people who want to start farms. And I don’t even pay myself to do it. Wish I could help, but I can’t. Good luck.

  9. Manjula.c.sunagar // September 13, 2011 at 2:19 am // Reply

    Dear Sir,

    I am interested in starting Goat/sheep Farm. would you kindly tell me the details
    – goat farm plan & structure
    -maintenance cost
    -Feed required and it is available, cost etc
    -and any information about goat & sheep farm food for goat/sheep, disease and vaccination etc.

    I will be grateful if you kindly provide me the above information.

    Thanking You,



  10. • Dear sir,
    I am interested in starting Goat Farm. would you kindly tell me the details
    which goat is suitable to develop in Hyderabad
    What is the cost of one small Goat?
    where we get the child Goat?
    How many day to take growth?
    What they will eat?
    What are the disadvantages?
    How mach investment will happen ?

  11. Dear sir,

    I am interested in starting Goat Farm. would you kindly tell me the details
    – goat farm plan & structure
    -maintenance cost
    -Feed required and it is available, cost etc
    -and any information about goat farm food for goat, disease and vaccination etc.

    I will be grateful if you kindly provide me the above information.

    Kind regards,

    sanjay kumar

  12. Dear Sir,
    Can you assist me to build goats farm in 10 Acres Land located in Rangareddy Dist AP and i want to buy goats and want to do bussiness in high level.

    Waiting for reply

    T BR
    Mohammed Yaseen

  13. We are dealing in Big Projects Land i.e. Agriculture Land For Projects, Group Housing Pass Land, 90 “B ” Approved land for plottings and Townships, Farming land i.e. Poultry Farming,Goat Farming, Plantations etc.
    We are dealing in only big lands so please contact if you desired big land.

    Mobile-91-9928079563, 9414395168, 9001890101, 9414238517,
    9460604611, 9828153740,

  14. i want open goates farm in bihar i need details

  15. We are engaged in Goat & Sheep Farm Development in stall feeding system across south india since 2005, We provide A-Z farming technique in a intergrated system, which will ensure good returns from the very first cycle in order to lead the farm sucessfully. We develop & give u full fledged Stall feeding Farm in your area our developments are listed below
    1. We supply Genuine & pure Goat & Sheep breeds only for Breeding purpose which are 100% diseases free , vaccinated , properly dewormed with accurate tracking record
    2. Goat Breeds available ( sirohi,talacherry,osmanabadi,jamunapari,Tothapari,Boer,kodi,sojat,beetal)
    3. Sheep breeds available( Ramboulette,jodipi,semmari,madras red)
    4. We undertake contracts for construction of elevated sheds in an integrated system
    5. We do landscape development for Farming system like fodder cultivation
    6. We supply plants,seeds & grass varieties for fodder devlopment
    7. We supply Feeds
    8. We supply upto date medicines, vaccines & mineral mixtures
    9. We supply Farming equipments ( Grass cutters, choppers, sprayers, feeders & drinkers)
    10. We supply Readymade wodden pallets, concrete pillars for stages
    11. We train up you with upto date techniques to run a livestock farm in Economical & succsessful way to lead a profitable business as there is a greater demand in Meat industry today
    12. Call 081240 55545 , 09884442068 E mail :
    Shanthi Goat & Sheep Farms

  16. Dear Mr Hussain
    If you are interested to start a goat farm in India, Please visit You can find bankable project report & other relevant information on goat farming. This website also contain bankable project reports on dairy farming, Emu farming ,poultry farming & information on government subsidy schemes. If you need more information you can mail me.

  17. Dear Dr.Kar,
    I want to start a broiler poultry farm of 10000 bird capasity.Can I Get subsidy under PVCF scheme of Government of India

  18. Dear Sanjib
    Subsidy under venture capital fund is available for broiler farms up to 5000bird limit. As per NABARD norm bird strength at any point of time should not exceed 5000birds.Therefore you can not avail subsidy under PVCF. You can contact state animal husbandry officials of your state to get subsidy for your farm.(exa. APICOL Subsidy of Orissa).To know more about PVCF scheme you can visit

  19. hi this is charan am ready to put farming in andra pradesh i need some information about these . will u explain my doubts

  20. Dear Sir,
    I want to start goat forming.
    Could you please suggest the solution to start the Gaot Form

    1. Structure for Goat.
    2. Feed System.
    3. Vaccination requrement.
    4. Maintainance costs approxmatly.
    5. Minimum cost for starting the form for 50 goats.
    6. Safety Procedure and treatment.
    7. Quality Control sysem.
    My No. Currently +966 536364213 Leave a Miss Call only
    I am coming in India next couple of months
    Please provide me earlier, hence i want to take a advantage of next secrifys Festival , i mean Eid Qurabn.

  21. welcome Goat & sheep farm beginners , we are providing crystal clear consultancy & training on commercial goat & sheep farm projects & also on contract basis we establish farms based on your budget for details long on to

    call 09884442068
    chennai , tamilnadu

  22. you can ask your question in is a discussion forum on animal husbandry & agriculture.

  23. I want to start goat farm in north gujarat.Now I am working in saudi arebia.please give me ABC of goat farming in my mail.

  24. I want to start a goat farming and breeding center and i want to borrow loan from bank. Can u please help me by providing a sample of loan proposal for goat farming .?

  25. i want to start goat form in Maharashtra district latur please give me all details me
    or i am having my own 6 acres (240000 Sqft) land with facility of water electricity and road transport i want investor for big project any one want to start plse contact 09665466165 or



  27. my goat farm live in rajasthan eid male goat avlaible pure breeds avlaible femel goat avlaible all goats healty all goats sojat sirohi and desi marvari my contrac no.09001952314 myaddress new market kapasan distic chittorgarh rajasthan

  28. Kindly provide me the guidance to start my own goat farming.
    I reside in Hubli,Karnataka India

  29. We are into the Sheep Farming business since the years and looking into the practical market status we have entered into the commercial sales of the sheep/goat from our farm for the Breeding(Farming) purpose or Meat purpose

    So any partners who are interested to enter into the sheep/goat farrming or interest to purchase the sheeps/goats are welcome you may reach me at sreenivas,email : you may reach us at9059977636 we are from Hyderabad having practical contacts from all over india ready to assist you.

  30. dear sir,

    can u give me any goat form schemes, i will starts the goat forms pls give me information,i am in khammam (dist)andhra pradesh,&where i will get barbary goats breed in andhra pradesh…

  31. I want to start a goat farming and breeding center and i want to borrow loan from bank. Can u please help me by providing a sample of loan proposal for goat farming .?and full detail about goat formimg

  32. Farming all Indian goats like Jamunapari, Saanen, Beetal etc. are very profitable. The local Governments should create more facilities for raising goats.

  33. Dear sir

    I want to start a goats farming business will u please help me & send me the deatails


  35. Dear Sir / Madam,

    As i am not always available on mail please contact me on 9124527219.

    I have decided to go for goat firming.

  36. i want to goat foam please help me

    Plese near tarening senter in up goat foarming

  37. Jeśli macie życzenie to polecam użytkować kabiny prysznicowe.

    Jest to bardzo ciekawa zastępstwo, która pozwala zrobić z
    łazienki Twoje miejsce, gdzie można odpocząć oraz
    przede wsystkim sybko wziąć kąpiel. Zastąpienie wnny na korzyść natrysku prysznicowego pociąga
    za sobą widoczne różnice w rachunkach. Korzystając z przysznica
    zużywamy dużo mniej wody i prądu. Po za tym, kabina prysznicowa jest o wiele wygodniejszy w eksploatowaniu przede wszystkim ludzi , którzy
    mają już swoje lata.

  38. pls give instruction about shed direction..

  39. i m from dewas near indore m.p and start goat farmong pls give me guied.

  40. TANVEER SHAIKH // May 7, 2013 at 6:10 am // Reply

    my name tanveer i m stay in nasik i can start the new business, i can start a goat farms so pls told me and guide line me how to start the business help ful

  41. paritosh dwivedy // June 1, 2013 at 8:37 am // Reply

    hello sir good evening,
    i m from nepal and we want to know about goat farming and how can u help me.

  42. project on goat farming (meat)

  43. Goat Farming is a loss making business in india. Pls think twice before venturing into it. I have lost 15 Lacs in this business. If you have surplus land and you dont have labour issue then you can try otherwise its huge loss making business.

  44. I agree wiith Mr Giri, but if you have proper planning and land for fodder cultivation then you can make huge profits. Dont go to any middle man to sell your products. Minimise your fodder cost and your returns will be double.

  45. Dear Madam/Sir,
    I worked with NDDB for 10 years in “Operation Flood” Project before that I was Assistant Professor of AH & Dairying at KKV- DAPOLI (MS) & now I am a retired DGM from Central Govt. bank & doing consultancy in various field of Animal Husbandry, Poultry & Dairying i.e. Preparation of Feasibility Report, Formulation of DPR- Detail Bankable Project Report for availing bank loan & Govt. subsidy, if any etc.
    For DPR pl. contact (M) 09422355411 or mail me .
    M.Sc.AH & DAIRY (First class with Distinction)

    Detailed Project Report – A Reference Guide

  46. I have 4 acres land near Palasa ,Srikakulan Dt , Andhrapradesh, in that we have borewall and power also

    I am very intersting to start goat farming

    kindly give me all kinds of details of where i can purchase this kind of goat for my farming.
    please also give me more details which kind of goat is more suitable for meat.

    We have the following doubts; could you please answer them and send us back:

    We are planning to start GOAT farm in Andhra Pradesh; starting with goat kids.

    where we found through selling goat kids on per KG basis.

    1. On an average how many kgs does a goat kid weighs?

    2. How much does 1kg cost?

    3. Within how many days, do these goat kids become eligible for resale (for meat)?

    5. Do the goat kids, which you are selling, need any specific artificial climatic conditions?

    6. Are there any other points taht you want to tell us regarding the goat kids?

    Please mail me,Other wise send me your contact number

  47. satya narayan chakraborty // November 22, 2013 at 10:31 pm // Reply

    i have 2 acre land,i want to start a egg production project,i have $4000 cash,i am indian,vill + post- malihati,police station- salar,dist-murshidabad,pin- 742401,westbengal.

  48. dear sir, i want to start goat/pig farming. i have 20 acres land in amalnar dist jalgon please send me a deatils joint venture is also apsect with teram and condision thanks .

  49. I want joint ventures party.I know goat farming. Intrested pl contact 7667710053

  50. I want joint ventures party.I know goat farming. Intrested pl contact 7667710053 in tamilnadu trunelveli dist

  51. It’s difficult to find knowledgeable people in this particular topic,
    however, you sound like you know what you’re talking about!

  52. Dear sir, I want to start my new goat farm for50 goats .Pls give me information for shed structure and how it will cost and for goat supplier contact no. interested person can quote for me.

  53. All goat suppllier sirohi sojat goat is good goat goat sale mo. 09680050016

  54. i want to start goat farm in jalgaon.
    for 50 goats wat will be initial investment.
    and do i need to do milking every day.

  55. hi
    we are farm labour recruiting/advisor for goat farm/dairy farms
    sijish nambiar

  56. please give the full details of goat details

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