Farm for Sale in Upstate New York 50% Match

Have a great opportunity with a very short turn around. Dairy farm with great infrastructure in swan lake, white sulphur road, sullivan county  – operating since 1896, 167 acres, rented an additional 400. Wonderful family, Nelson Hector, who just could not hang on any longer. He moved his entire family to MN where he is working on his brother in laws farm. Sold all of his cows about 8-9 months ago. TODAY I found out that I got a grant from NRCS for almost $500,000 as a 50% match for purchase development rts – OSI is willing to provide the other half. I cannot give this money back. We must find a farmer. Please spread the word. I’ll get details on the property and price. This is a rare opportunity to keep an historic farm in a critical ag community alive and well. And even more rare to get gov’t money to do it!
Jennifer Grossman, Esq.
Vice President for Land Acquisition
Open Space Institute
1350 Broadway, Suite 201
New York, NY 10018
P:212-629-3981 x227
F: 212-244-3441

3 Comments on Farm for Sale in Upstate New York 50% Match

  1. Frank J Garnick // July 21, 2010 at 5:46 am // Reply

    How do I sign on for this farm?

    • You need to use the contact information within the post in order to get in touch with these folks. I am merely posting the information here.

  2. Please send any and all information regarding this listing. Milk market, labor market, electrical capacity, water supply topography reports if any, ciondition of all buildings including residence, 50% match criteria, price,etyc.
    Thank you:

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