Young Farmer Success Bill Highlighted in LA Times Op Ed

LA Times Op Ed: How to really nurture America’s Young Farmers
The Young Farmer Success Act suggests some alternatives to public service loan forgiveness for young farmers (which as many of you probably know, has been proposed in recent federal legislation).
Here’s the piece:
EXCERPT: “A bill recently introduced in Congress, the Young Farmer Success Act, would make farmers eligible for federally subsidized student loan forgiveness — just as teachers and nurses are now — on the grounds that agriculture is a public service. But is it?
Certainly the history of U.S. farm policy would suggest that lawmakers have long seen agriculture as a public good. Why else would they pass a farm bill that, in its most recent iteration, commits $134 billion to farm subsidies, commodity programs and insurance? Why would California so assiduously defend agricultural water rights in the midst of a severe drought?…”
hellow. my name is jose from South Africa… i have a dream of becoming a young black successful farmer to ensure food security in my continent .. i am more intresterd in agroprocessing and packing which many african countries are strugling with… i want information on agroprocessing and where i can learn more about it.. your help will be highly apreciated.