Young Farmer Meetings Across the Country

A list of upcoming young farmer meetings across the country for the Fall of 2016
Knoxville, TN— August 28 — East Tennessee Young Farmers Coalition Summer Mixer and Potluck
7-9 p.m. at the Central Collective, 923 N Central St. More info.
Taunton, MA– September 5— Young Farmer Night Party at Spring Rain Farm
More info.
Germantown, NY— September 10 — Hudson Valley Young Farmers Coalition Tour + Potluck
6 p.m. at Four Legs Farm, 100 Old Sawmill Road
We will grill Four Legs Farm sausage and drink Captain Lawrence Brewing Co. beer and Orchard Hill cider. Please bring a side to accompany the sausage as well as a plate/ cup/ utensils. No dogs please! More info.
Duluth, MN— September 11— Duluth Young Farmers Coalition Tour of Shubats Fruits
All events take place from 1-4pm with a tour, small work project and potluck making up the agenda. Email for more details.
Columbia, MO—September 11—Missouri Young Farmers Coalition Potluck
4 p.m. at the Columbia Center for Urban Agriculture, 1209 Smith Street
MOYFC will be gathering the second Sunday in September for a farm tour and potluck.
Albuquerque, NM—September 18—NYFC Water Bootcamp.
1-4:30 p.m. at South Valley Economic Development Center, 318 Isleta Blvd SW
NYFC is convening local experts to train young farmers, ranchers, and interested community members on the basics of water in New Mexico. Speakers will cover agricultural water usage in the Middle Rio Grande, the history and cultural context of irrigation in New Mexico, irrigating in the MRGCD, groundwater management and statewide water issues including adjudication and prior appropriation. Workshop costs $5 for NYFC members and $10 for non-members. RSVP and more info here.
Albuquerque, NM—September 19—Open Gate at Red Tractor Farm.
9 a.m. – 4p.m. at 1404 Gonzales Rd SW
Holistic Management International (HMI) is hosting an Open Gate Learning Series in tandem with NYFC’s water bootcamp. Open Gates are peer-to-peer action-based learning days with short presentations and small group exercises geared for participants to share discoveries and techniques with guidance from experienced facilitators and presenters. The Open Gate will build on the information provided at the water bootcamp the previous day. RSVP and more info here.
Gordon, GA–September 22— Middle Georgia Young Farmers Coalition Potluck
5 p.m. at Babe and Sage Farm
NYFC’s National Field Director, Sophie Ackoff, will be in town to meet with the chapter. More info.
Exeter, RI– September 24— Young Farmer Night at Wild Harmony Farm
More info.
Chepachet, RI–October 3— Young Farmer Night at Hocus Pocus Farm
More info.
Columbia, MO—October 8—MOYFC’s 7th Annual Harvest Hootenanny
3-8 p.m. at the Columbia Center for Urban Agriculture, 1209 Smith Street
More info.
Paicines, CA—October 15-16—Cultivating Community: Land, Food, Health, hosted by HMI
Enjoy a field day at the innovative ranch, fine dining, farm-fresh local foods and sessions on numerous health, food and sustainable topics. Connect with innovative, solution-oriented and passionate farmers, ranchers, conservationists, authors, natural food/health professionals and the Holistic Management community. More info.
Lansboro, MN— Oct. 21-23—New Farmer U At the Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center
Registration opens Sept. 1
MOSES, Renewing the Countryside, and The Land Stewardship Project are coming together to host this conference specifically for young and beginning farmers! More info.
Hartford, CT—November 10-12—NESAWG’s 2016 It Takes a Region Conference
Earlybird registration for NESAWG’s 2016 It Takes a Region Conference is now open. The Conference, now in its 23rd year, brings together practitioners and professionals from across the Northeast to explore ideas to create a more sustainable and just farm and food system. More info.
To stay updated about upcoming young farmer meetings, please sign up for the National Young Farmers Coalition Newsletter by going to their website: and entering your email address in the updates and action box along the top of the page. Or use find young farmer meetings by contacting the chapter in your state:
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