Workshop: Make Money as an Urban Farmer! – Berkley, CA
Presented by Sustainable Commercial Urban Farm Incubator (SCUFI) Program: February 19th & 20th, 2011, 8am – 6pm, Berkeley, California

- Learn how the SPIN farming system and SCUFI program can help you build your own high-income urban farm.
- Hear how the SCUFI program can help you with training, financing, and securing land to launch your own urban farm business.
- Meet people at the forefront of the growing sustainable commercial urban farm field, share ideas, gain knowledge, pool resources and form alliances to build your own profitable urban farm.
Saturday: Indoor lectures and demonstrations at David Brower Center, 2150 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA.
Sunday: Outdoor hands-on field and business exercises at an East Bay urban farm site (location TBA).
Farming 6 small urban plots totaling 1/2 acre, Curtis sells to a farmers market, restaurants and a 20 member CSA veggie box program. Moving of veggies, compost, tools and a 400 lb rototiller are all done with a bicycle towing a custom 6’ trailer.
Before starting his SPIN farm in Fall 2009, Curtis had little experience farming or gardening. Curtis proves the SPIN farming system can be done inexpensively and effectively by people with limited farming or gardening experience. SPIN-Farming is being practiced by a growing community of farmers across the USA and Canada.
People taking the two-day training also become eligible to apply for an urban farm training plot at a SCUFI program site in the SF Bay Area or elsewhere.
For more details about the 2-day workshop, Curtis Stone and his Green City Acres farm, SPIN, and the SCUFI program, you can view and download:
a one-page flyer at:
an 8-page brochure about the Workshop at:
Early registration: $200. After January 31: $250.
Snacks, beverages & lunch included
To register:
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