Women in Meat Northeast Conference

Women in Meat Northeast Conference – 2017
The Women in Meat Northeast Conference is an event designed for women whose livelihood intersects with the world of livestock such as butchers, farmers, processors, chefs, value-added producers, distributers, and service providers across all segments of the industry. Our goal is to provide women with the opportunities to learn from and network with one another, while developing valuable skills and growing and strengthening their respective businesses and brands.
Whether you are raising livestock or creating and selling products with it, we’ve got you covered.
Join the Women in Meat Northeast team:
Samantha Buyskes, Three Brothers Wineries & Estates, Geneva, NY
Edith Murnane, Food & Farm Productions, Boston, MA
Kate Stillman, Stillman Quality Meats, Hardwick, MA
Kari Underly, Range® Meat Academy, Chicago, IL
Lisa Webster, North Star Sheep Farm, Windham, ME
Lucinda Williams, Belden Farm, Hatfield, MA
Kristina Wollenberg, Fresh Direct, New York, NY
Last year sold out, so please order your tickets early
See the Agenda, Full Workshop + Conference Descriptions, & Buy Tickets at: https://www.universe.com/wmn2017
When: October 22-24, 2017
Where: Harvard Forest, Petersham, Massachusetts
Pricing: $225-$695 – All ticket prices include meals, many also include accommodations
Women in Meat Northeast Conference WORKSHOPS
Workshops are limited in the number of participants. Each session is a 1/2 a day in length unless otherwise noted.
For a full description of the various workshops and instructors visit: https://www.LeagueOfWMN.com
Whole Animal: Beef Breakdown [Full Day]
AM Session: Hands-on/ Knives-in experience breaking down an animal into primals & subprimals
PM Session: Hands-on/ Knives-in experience breaking the animal down into end cuts. Individual muscles will be saved and used in a sensory exercise for building the perfect burger blend.
AM Sessions:
Whole Animal: Hog Breakdown
- Hands-on/ Knives-in experience breaking down an animal into primals & subprimals
- Emphasis on retail & charcuterie cuts
The Graziers Toolbox
- Learn how to use the basic “tools” of grass farming to feed livestock and improve pasture
PM Sessions:
Whole Animal: Lamb & Rabbit Breakdown + Fresh Sausage Charcuterie
- Hands-on/ Knives-in experience
Preventing Pasture Pitfalls
- Managing pastures well is honing our observations skills to assess what the plants and animals are telling us about their health.
- Learn how to avoid a whole list of potential problems.
Women in Meat Northeast CONFERENCE SESSIONS
Conference sessions are 90 minutes in length. For a description of the sessions and information about the speakers visit: https://www.LeagueOfWMN.com/2017-conference-sessions
Monday’s Sessions:
- Industry Trends
- Communicating your Brand
- Diversifying your Business, why it makes economic sense
- A Case Study: Building a Small-scale Fresh Milk Cheese Business
Tuesday’s Sessions:
- Life/ Work Balance: Making it Work
- Making Dough with Meat
- Farm Hacks to Track & Collect Data and Improved Efficiency
Women in Meat Notrheast Conference Agenda with Full Course Descriptions and Session Information can be found: https://www.universe.com/wmn2017
If you have any questions drop a note to: hello@leagueofwmn.com
Looking forward to seeing you in Petersham, Massachusetts,
The Women in Meat Northeast Team
Samantha Buyskes, Three Brothers Wineries & Estates, Geneva, NY
Edith Murnane, Food & Farm Productions, Boston, MA
Kate Stillman, Stillman Quality Meats, Hardwick, MA
Kari Underly, Range® Meat Academy, Chicago, IL
Lisa Webster, North Star Sheep Farm, Windham, ME
Lucinda Williams, Belden Farm, Hatfield, MA
Kristina Wollenberg, Fresh Direct, New York, NY
Any Conferences in Ohio for 2017?