Women in Ag Conference and Farm Mgt Class for Women

Women in Ag

Women in Ag Conference and Farm Mgt Class for Women 2018

Women in Ag Conference

Women across the region coming together to EDUCATE, ENGAGE, EMPOWER. February 9, 2018 will mark our 17th Annual MidAtlantic Women In Agriculture Regional Conference. The conference goals are to provide women involved in agriculture an opportunity to come together to learn about current issues and topics so they can make informed decisions concerning their agribusinesses and family lives. Sessions will cover topics in marketing, financial, production and legal.

Back by popular demand we will offer a preconference, February 8, 2018 with the option of two topics: Social Media and Specialty crops. 

Location: Dover Downs Hotel & Casino Dover, Delaware (room rates available). Registration is open: 

Early Bird Pricing  Available until 12/31/17. For further information, contact: Shannon Dill at or (410) 822-1244 

Farm Management Class for Women

Annie’s Project courses have been announced for 2018! Annie’s Project is a discussion-based workshop bringing women together to learn from experts in production, financial management, human resources, marketing and the legal field. Annie’s Project provides a relaxed, fun, dynamic way to learn, grow and meet other women in agriculture. The target audience is women in agriculture with a passion for business and involvement in the farm operation.

Annie’s Project will be held at the following Maryland locations: Central Maryland in Westminster, Caroline County in Denton, Southern Maryland in Upper Marlboro and Washington County in Boonsboro. Classes start in January.

The cost of the course including meals and materials is $75. For more information visit, email Shannon Dill at or call Talbot County Extension Office at 410-822-1244. Space is limited, so register today. If you require special assistance to attend the classes please contact the site at least two weeks prior. The program is open to all and is sponsored by the University of Maryland Extension and Delaware Cooperative Extension. Annie’s Project has been approved for FSA Borrower Training.  For more information, please contact your FSA loan officer.

2018 Wednesday Webinars 

Offered the second and fourth Wednesday of each month.  Topics cover all areas of risk management.  The first four sessions include: Farm Financial Statements, Urban Agriculture, Divorce and Farming and Health Insurance.  To see the full listing and to register visit:

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