Weekly Roundup (NSAC) – USDA, Ag Politics News

National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition Weekly Roundup


5/28/10 – 30 Days To Comment on VAPG Rule The long anticipated proposed rule for the Value-Added Producer Grant (VAPG) program was published in today’s Federal Register.  The comment period for the proposed rule is only 30 days with comments on the regulatory provisions due by June 28, 2010.

5/28/10 – Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program Rule is Out with NOFA to Follow Today’s Federal Register included the interim final rule for the Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program (RMAP), one of NSAC’s 2008 Farm Bill priority program.  The interim rule goes into effect on June 28, 2010, but the USDA will be taking public comments until July 27, 2010.

5/28/10Funding for Energy Audits and Renewable Energy Development Assistance On Thursday, the USDA Rural Business-Cooperative Service announced the availability of $2.4 million dollars in competitive grants for energy audits and renewable energy development assistance to agricultural producers and rural small businesses as part of the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP).

5/25/10 – Mobile Slaughter Units and Untapped Markets On Tuesday USDA’s Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) published a compliance guide to help operators of mobile slaughter units understand the regulatory requirements that pertain to them.   It should also be must reading for entrepreneurs considering building a mobile slaughter facility.

5/25/10 – Organic Research RFA Focuses on Environmental Services USDA is making $4.7 million available through the Organic Transitions integrated research, education, and extension program to fund projects examining environmental services provided by organic agriculture that contribute to climate change mitigation and support soil conservation.

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