Weekly Ag Policy Roundup 7/27-7/30

From the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition


7/28/10 Legislative Roundup: Farm Credit Funding Passes, Other Food and Farm Legislation Could Move As is often the case as the summer congressional recess approaches, there is lots of activity on Capitol Hill.  With so many moving pieces of interest to NSAC and NSAC member organizations, we are issuing this brief update on the Supplemental Appropriation– Farm Credit Funding & BCAP Cuts, Pigford Settlement Funding, Ag Disasater Aid, Food Safety, and Child Nutrition Bills.  

7/30/10 Livestock Mandatory Price Reporting Act Update The Livestock Mandatory Price Reporting Act, first enacted in 1999, requires USDA to establish a program of information regarding the marketing of cattle, swine, lambs, and the products of this livestock. On July 28, the House Agriculture Committee approved H.R. 5852 , a bill to extend the Livestock Mandatory Reporting Act for five years until September 30, 2015.


7/27/10 Conservation Reserve Program General Sign-Up Announced On Monday, July 26, USDA announced that a Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) general sign-up will be held from August 2-27, 2010.  This is the 39th sign-up for the CRP according to the somewhat unusual Farm Service Agency (FSA) sign-up counting system. It will be the first general sign-up since 2006.

7/30/10 USDA Interim Rule for the Conservation Reserve Program On Wednesday, July 28, USDA issued an interim rule to implement provisions of the 2008 Farm Bill for the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). The interim rule is effective immediately.  USDA is taking public comments on the interim rule, due by September 27, 2010, that will be considered when the agency develops a final rule for the CRP.

7/30/10 USDA Extends Comment Period for GIPSA Proposed Rules Bowing to pressure from a group of large-scale livestock and poultry packers and processors and House Agriculture Committee members who are aligned with them, USDA’s Grain Inspection, Packers & Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) announced on July 26 that it is extending the public comment period on proposed rules for the Packers & Stockyards Act by 90 days.  Public comments are now due by November 22, 2010.

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