Webinar: Supporting local foods and beginning farmers in the 2013 Farm Bill

Webinar: Supporting local foods and beginning farmers in the 2013 Farm Bill Friday April 19, 2013 Curious about what's going on this year around a new farm bill? Want to help make sure the federal government supports beginning farmers, local food, and strong communities? The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition is hosting a webinar this *Friday, April 19 at 1:00pm EST *on how organizations that work on food and farm initiatives can get engaged with the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Opportunity Act and the Local Farms, Food, and Jobs Act.  The two bills are intended for inclusion in the next farm bill.  The webinar will provide an overview of each bill and detail how to take action. You can register here.

Contact info:

Shavaun Evans

National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition

110 Maryland Avenue NE, Suite 209 Washington, DC 20002

7 Comments on Webinar: Supporting local foods and beginning farmers in the 2013 Farm Bill

  1. The register link is broken. I tried it today and yesterday, and it didn’t work. 🙁

  2. Will this webinar be put online for viewing?

  3. Red Tomato, a small nonprofit business in Massachusetts, is the marketing agent for a network of 40 mid-size farms in the Northeast. Red Tomato orchestrates their supply into more than 200 supermarkets in the greater Boston area, and as of recently, in the greater NYC metro area. To satisfy farms and deliver high-quality produce to distributors, Red Tomato’s value-added strategy is to differentiate products, or decommodify them, through branding, local and farm identity, packaging, variety choice and diversity, eco certification, aggregation, and through intense focus on quality control to maximize flavor and freshness.Can Red Tomato build a regional supply chain that maintains the highest quality, and satisfies both farmers and consumers alike? This webinar explores this question as well as some of the contradictions in the system, such as seasonality vs. the year-round supply that is required to compete in the produce industry.

  4. Farmers Journal // May 10, 2013 at 12:01 pm // Reply

    You share very good information “Webinar: Supporting local foods and beginning farmers in the 2013 Farm Bill” – interesting title Aaron. Thank you for the article Aaron.

  5. Farmers Journal // July 8, 2013 at 12:00 pm // Reply

    Nice article! Great post about Webinar: Supporting local foods and beginning farmers in the 2013 Farm Bill! Aaron I hope you keep writing more blogs like this one. Very valuable information Aaron.

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