Webinar: Integrating Livestock into Dryland Organic Crop Rotations

Integrating Livestock into Dryland Organic Crop Rotations Webinar, October 22, 2013

Join eOrganic for a webinar on Integrating Livestock into Dryland Organic Crop Rotations, by Lynne Carpenter-Boggs and Jonathan Wachter of Washington State University, and Kate Painter of the University of Idaho. The webinar will take place on October 22, 2013 at 2PM Eastern Time (1PM Central, 12PM Mountain, 11AM Pacific Time). The webinar is free and open to the public and advance registration is required. Attendees will be able to type in questions for the speakers which will be read aloud at the end of the presentation.

This webinar will cover a variety of reasons to integrate livestock into crop rotations, and will be summarizing past research on the topic. It will be directed towards beginning growers interested in diversifying their income and crop rotations, towards educators and Extension workers, and towards a more general audience wanting to learn more about mixed crop-livestock systems.

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