Webinar: Gaining Access to Capital and Credit (Reminder!)

Webinar: Gaining Access to Capital and Credit - Farm Credit - A Partnership for all Farmers

Farm Credit is a nationwide system of cooperatives formed almost 100 years ago specifically to provide financing to farmers.  In this series, beginning farmers will learn about the types of loans available, with experienced loan officers walking you through the information needed to apply for a loan, how to prepare that information and  why.  Whether you are applying for your first loan to purchase land, operating money or equipment or if you are considering an expansion of your operation, this beginning farmer webinar will explain how to make your application process more successful and less stressful. Date: Wednesday, August  21, 2013 Time: 3:00pm to 4:00pm (Eastern) To participate in this webinar please go to: Presenters include Paul Eberly, Commercial Team Leader & Capital Markets, Farm Credit of the Virginias and Teresa Harris, Regional Lending Manager, Farm Credit of the Virginias.

Check out the program website at for recordings of past webinars and to see what other exciting initiatives are being developed.  For more information about the webinar or questions, contact Kim Niewolny (

No registration is required. A few minutes before 3PM, go to the website address above and login by typing in your name under the “guest account”. You will then be taken to the webinar. Once logged in, run the audio wizard setup (Select MEETING/RUN AUDIO SETUP WIZARD) to ensure your computer speakers are hooked up and on. To hear the audio and presenters, speakers must be turned on. For additional technical assistance, contact Carl Estes with Virginia Tech at (540) 231-1385. During the webinar, questions can be typed into the chat box on the left hand side of the screen. A recording of this webinar will be available at the Virginia Beginning Farmer Program website afterwards.

The Virginia Beginning Farmer and Rancher Coalition Program is sponsored through the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program (BFRDP) of the USDA-National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA).

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