Virtual CRAFT Field Days

Virtual CRAFT Field Days

Virtual CRAFT Field Days from Upper Midwest CRAFT – Spring 2021

Ready for some farmer-to-farmer connection but want to stay put?​ Join us for a trio of events in March that will make your farm skills zoom. 
This 3-part virtual event focuses on farm management topics to help you start the season off right.
Register for 1, 2, or all 3 events.
$5 per event.
Registration required. This is a Virtual Event (Zoom link will be emailed to participants before the start of the event).
UM CRAFT members attend for FREE!
Coupon code in the weekly UM CRAFT Newsletter
Not a Member? Buy a membership here, then come back and register!

Virtual CRAFT Field Days Event 1 – COVID Response Panel

March 16, 2021 | 1pm – 3:30pm Central
Audience: All Farmers
‘Adapt’ and ‘pivot’ are synonymous with COVID business strategies. At this time last year, farmers were scrambling to figure out basic safety for themselves and their customers. One year later, find out how these three different farms survived 2020 and how they are planning for 2021.  
COVID Response Panel: Dulce Morales of Cedillo’s Fresh (2020’s Beginning Farmer of the Year), David Bachhuber of Lovefood Farm, and Cliff McConville of All Grass Farms will share safety protocols, sales projection strategies, new business opportunities, and more.

EVENT 2: Labor of Love: Employment Best Practices on the Farm

March 23, 2021 | 1pm – 2:30pm Central
Audience: Farmers who manage employees or are gearing up to (though all are welcome)
Join your fellow farmers in this presentation/roundtable hybrid event. First, learn from Tipi Produce about how a well-cultivated farm culture influences hiring, training, and keep good employees. Then, Beth Kazmar and Steve Pincus of Tipi Produce will lead a farmer roundtable discussion focused on farm culture and the value of labor on farm.
While Tipi Produce brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, we encourage your to bring your own labor questions to the roundtable. 

Virtual CRAFT Field Days Event 3: Farm Sales in a Contactless World

March 30, 2021 | 1pm – 3pm Central
Audience: All Farmers
Has COVID got you or your customers demanding contactless transactions? Have you wanted to diversify your marketing approach without spending more time at market? REKO rings allow growers to advertise and sell digitally, and drop off pre-sold goods at a predetermined time and place. A REKO ring takes the classic model of a farmers market and moves the advertising and buying to Facebook. REKO is a Swedish acronym variously translated as “real consumption,” “fair consumption” or “sincere consumption.” 
Join Vanessa Quinones of Victory Garden Farm in Fredonia, WI during this virtual CRAFT Field Day to see how she pivoted her business during the COVID pandemic. She’ll discuss how she initiated & grew the group and how she keeps her customers engaged.

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