Virginia Beginning Farmer Events

Beginning Farmer Events

Virginia Beginning Farmer Events from the Virginia Beginning Farmer and Rancher Coalition – Summer 2021

Beginning Farmer Training Series

VSU’s Small Farm Outreach Program Workshop Series
SFOP provides outreach and learning opportunities to small farmers for production management, financial and risk management, marketing, USDA assistance programs and more. Check out their upcoming workshops!

Fauquier Education Farm’s 2021 Workshop Series
The Fauquier Education Farm Workshop Series is a learning resource for farmers and home gardeners of all experience levels. You can pick and choose any workshops that may interest you with no expectation that you need to attend them all. These workshops are free and open to everyone. These will be held rain or shine and children are always welcome.  Unless otherwise indicated, all workshops are held at the Fauquier Education Farm: 8428 Meetze Rd, Warrenton, Virginia.

Summer Online Woodland Options for Landowners
This 12-week, self-paced course will allow you to gain an introductory level understanding of basic forest management principles and techniques and to use this understanding to become better land stewards. It is intended for private forest landowners of any acreage; this course is not intended for forest landowners who have substantial experience working alone or with natural resource professionals in the management of their forests. Teachers, local leaders, and interested citizens are also welcome to join.

July Virginia Beginning Farmer Events

July 1, 8, 15: Farm Pond Management 101
This is series of zoom programs that cover the management of small impoundments over a 12-week course. The one-hour plus lectures are designed to provide detailed information on various subject areas dealing with the small impoundments. At the end of the course, you will have gained significant knowledge of Fish Biology, Pond Ecology, Fisheries Management, Water Quality, Dam Structure Maintenance, and Farm Ponds’ alternate use.

July 6: DCR Nutrient Management Training School (Part 1)
This is Part I of a two-part nutrient management training school. Part I is a lecture series by Virginia Tech professors on soil science, soil fertility and crop production. The training is open to anyone interested in learning about the development of agricultural nutrient management plans or how to become a certified plan writer. Fee is $130 before June 23; $150 after June 23.

July 6: Basics of Strawberry Production (In Person)
Hosted by VSU’s Small Farm Outreach Program, registration opening soon.

July 6: Women in Agriculture Network (Fostering Female Farmers)
First Tuesdays of the month the Women in Ag Network meets!

July 7: Hilling Sweet Potatoes
Hosted by VSU’s Small Farm Outreach Program, registration opening soon.

July 14: Small Sustainable Diversified Farm Tour (In Person)
Hosted by VSU’s Small Farm Outreach Program, registration opening soon.

July 15: Aquaponics
Hosted by VSU’s Small Farm Outreach Program. Registration opening soon.

July 16: USDA/DCR/NRCS/FSA/RMA Information Session-Hispanic (In person)
Hosted by VSU’s Small Farm Outreach Program. Registration opening soon.

July 19: Farmer’s Market USDA SNAP and EBT
Hosted by VSU’s Small Farm Outreach Program. Registration opening soon.

July 20: Organic Gardening 101
Hosted by VSU’s Small Farm Outreach Program. Registration opening soon.

July 20: Charlotte County Farm Tour
Hosted by VSU’s Small Farm Outreach Program. Registration opening soon.

July 20: Beginning Cutting Gardens
Hosted by VSU’s Small Farm Outreach Program. Registration opening soon.

July 22: Veteran Bus Tour/Agricultural Marketing
Hosted by VSU’s Small Farm Outreach Program. Registration opening soon.

July 23: Summer Pruning for Woody and Herbaceous Perennial Plants
Summer is the time to prune trees and shrubs that bloom in the spring and to help perennial flowering plants look their best. Extension Agent Kirsten Conrad will walk you through the how, when, and why to prune hedges, multi-stem shrubs, small trees, and large branches. EMG’s-in-training Kathy Eiden and Brandis O’Neal will be on hand to debut a short video on specialty pruning. With these best practices, your pruning results will be healthier and fuller growth, better flowers and fruit, and more attractive landscaping.

July 27: Northern Virginia Wholesale Growers on Cover Crops for Weed Management (In Person)
Veronica Yurchak, a graduate student from the University of Maryland, will come and share information on managing weeds with cover crops in the vegetable and small fruit field. We will also have a tour of the farm and time to ask questions from our hosts Liz and Ramesh.

July 27: Farmer/Farmland Match & Market Maker
Hosted by VSU’s Small Farm Outreach Program. Registration opening soon.

July 27: Whole Farm Planning
Hosted by VSU’s Small Farm Outreach Program. Registration opening soon.

July 29: Increasing Profits through Value Added Products
Hosted by VSU’s Small Farm Outreach Program. Registration opening soon.

July 30: VSU College of Agriculture Field Day
Hosted by VSU’s Small Farm Outreach Program. Registration opening soon.

July 22: Cut Flowers, More Than Just a Pretty Face at the Fauquier Education Farm
Cut Flowers can be an excellent add on to any new farming enterprise. We’ll showcase our cut flower demonstration and show you how to give your production a jumpstart. Fill your world with color with this highly marketable crop.

August Events

August 2: Jimmy Messick of Messick’s Farm Market on Managing Weeds in Asparagus and Other Vegetables
Jeff Derr, weed specialist from the Hampton Roads AREC, will cover weed management in the asparagus patch, always a challenge as a perennial crop. He will touch on conventional and non-conventional mentors for managing pesky weeds in a variety of vegetable crops. They will also have a short tour of Messick’s Farm Market fields.

August 9: Small Diversified Farm and Farmers Market Tour
Hosted by VSU’s Small Farm Outreach Program. Registration opening soon.

August 9: Small Farm Orientation
Hosted by VSU’s Small Farm Outreach Program. Registration opening soon.

August 10: QuickBooks Workshop
Hosted by VSU’s Small Farm Outreach Program. Registration opening soon.

August 10: Rabbit Grazing with Soil Management
Hosted by VSU’s Small Farm Outreach Program. Registration opening soon.

August 11: Introduction to QuickBooks
Hosted by VSU’s Small Farm Outreach Program. Registration opening soon.

August 12: DCR Informational Session
Hosted by VSU’s Small Farm Outreach Program. Registration opening soon.

August 13: On Farm GAP Audit
Hosted by VSU’s Small Farm Outreach Program. Registration opening soon.

August 17: Mapping with Drones for Precision Agriculture
Hosted by VSU’s Small Farm Outreach Program. Registration opening soon.

August 17: Spring Potatoes and Fall Cabbage, A Rotation to Maximize Your Productivity at the Fauquier Education Farm
Rotating your crops is a proven way to be more successful, but this rotation from spring potatoes to fall cabbage can allow you to plant two crops in the same space each year. We’ll talk about the growing needs of each crop and why they work so well on the same ground. This is an easy opportunity to double your garden’s yield.

August 18: Fall Crop Production in High Tunnels
Hosted by VSU’s Small Farm Outreach Program. Registration opening soon.

August 18: QuickBooks Training Workshop
Hosted by VSU’s Small Farm Outreach Program. Registration opening soon.

August 19: Financial Planning
Hosted by VSU’s Small Farm Outreach Program. Registration opening soon.

August 19: Aquaponics
Hosted by VSU’s Small Farm Outreach Program. Registration opening soon.

August 27-28: Beginning Woodland Owner’s Retreat (Southwest Virginia)
This retreat is hosted by the Virginia Department of Forestry and Virginia Cooperative Extension, is geared towards landowners who are new to forest management, provides information on both hardwood and pine forest management, offers chances for interaction with natural resource professionals from various agencies in Virginia, as well as with other landowners, provides information on estate planning, management planning and certification, and provides hands-on experience with tree identification, forestry equipment, and more…

Fall Virginia Beginning Farmer Events

September 23-24: Beginning Woodland Owner’s Retreat (Southeast Virginia)
This retreat is hosted by the Virginia Department of Forestry and Virginia Cooperative Extension, is geared towards landowners who are new to forest management, provides information on both hardwood and pine forest management, offers chances for interaction with natural resource professionals from various agencies in Virginia, as well as with other landowners, provides information on estate planning, management planning and certification, and provides hands-on experience with tree identification, forestry equipment, and more…

October 22-23: Beginning Woodland Owner’s Retreat (Central Virginia)
This retreat is hosted by the Virginia Department of Forestry and Virginia Cooperative Extension, is geared towards landowners who are new to forest management, provides information on both hardwood and pine forest management, offers chances for interaction with natural resource professionals from various agencies in Virginia, as well as with other landowners, provides information on estate planning, management planning and certification, and provides hands-on experience with tree identification, forestry equipment, and more…

November 17: How to Winterize Bee Hives
Hosted by VSU’s Small Farm Outreach Program. Registration opening soon.


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