Vegetable Farm Internships in Minnesota

2015 Internships Available at Uproot Farm


Uproot Farm is a small diversified vegetable farm about an hour north of the Twin Cities (Minnesota). 2015 will be their fifth season during which they’ll offer 100 Summer CSA shares, raise chickens (for meat), and continue to establish new fields and improve soil health in new ground. They’ll grow a total of 7 acres of vegetables, with about 12 additional acres in cover crops. In addition to the CSA, they grow for one farmer’s market in Minneapolis and three small wholesale accounts, including two food co-ops and one food truck/catering company. Uproot is slated for Organic Certification in June of 2015.

The farm is located 15 minutes from Cambridge, MN, a town of 8,000 with a food co-op and many other amenities.

The 2015 crew will be Sarah (farmer), an assistant farm manager, and one intern.

Internship:  One internship is available. It begins May 1st and ends October 31st. Start and end dates may be flexible. As an intern, you will be immersed in all daily jobs on the farm including, but not limited to, tractor work, greenhouse work/management, irrigation management and implementation, planting, bed preparation, chicken management, cover cropping, weed management (with both tractors and hoes), harvesting, washing and packing of over 40 types of vegetables, vegetable delivery, and possibly farmer’s market sales.
***This is an internship based on learning through doing.

Housing: Housing and kitchen are provided in the renovated barn. There is a composting toilet just outside the barn. Laundry and shower facilities are available in the farm house. Vegetables from the farm are available once we start harvesting.

Hours:  We work five and a half days a week–Monday through Friday with an hour lunch, and Saturday morning. Start time will vary throughout the season and is dependent on the weather and the tasks at hand, but we will usually work 7am-4pm.

Stipend: You will receive a monthly stipend paid at the end of each month, with money withheld for taxes.

Skills Desired: Previous farm work not required, but a good work ethic and attitude are. Farm work is hard, fast-paced, and often exhausting- but also rewarding. Preferably you’ve done some type of manual labor and/or worked outside previous to arriving.
All applications are welcome.

Please send a résumé and cover letter to: info(at)

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