Using Farm Records for Management and Profit Online Course

If you’re scared off by the thought of income statements, cash flow, loan applications, and financial ratios, but you want to understand where your farm stands financially, BF 104: Utilizing Farm Records – Analyzing Your Records for Management and Profit is the course for you. This 6-week course is taught by a long-time accountant and Cornell Cooperative Extension Farm Business Management educators.

The instructors can provide some one-on-one assistance in the set-up or re-organizing of existing records, though the focus of the webinars will be on analyzing those records to understand your farm’s credit-worthiness and financial strength. The course is targeted to farmers with at least a season of farm management experience who can use their own financial records–whatever form they’re in–to apply concepts learned in the course.

New this year! Participants who complete all requirements of one or more online courses are eligible to be endorsed for a 0% interest loan of up to $10,000 through

BF 104: Utilizing Farm Records runs from Mon. Jan 12 – Feb 15, 2015 with Monday night webinars 7-8:30pm EDT. If you aren’t able to attend in real time, webinars are always recorded and posted for later viewing.

All of our courses consist of weekly real-time webinars followed by homework, readings, and discussions on your own time in an online setting.

Each course is $200, but up to 4 people from the same farm may participate without paying extra. See the course description page for more on the course learning objectives, instructors, and outline.

These courses are part of the line-up of 14 online courses offered this Fall, Winter and Spring by the Cornell Small Farms Program. Learn which courses would be best for you, read about our team of experienced instructors, see answers to Frequently Asked Questions, and  view the calendar of course offerings for 2014-2015.

Courses often fill very quickly, so don’t miss your chance to sign up today!

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