USDA $ to Train the Next Generation of Farmers

This weeks news from the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition includes information about USDA Investments to Train the Next Generation of Farmers through BFRDP, Addressing Climate Change, Challenges and Opportunities for Organic Producers, Farm to School Month, and the Ag Appropriations Bill.
USDA Invests $14 Million to Train the Next Generation of Farmers
In response to growing interest in farming as a career, hundreds of farmer training programs and projects have emerged over the past decade to address the specific challenges that new producers face when just starting out. For over a decade, BFRDP has served as the only USDA program dedicated training the next generation of farmers. The latest round of grant awards – totaling $14 million in grant funding – was announced last week. NSAC applauds all of the awarded projects for the critical work they are doing to support the next generation of farmers and ranchers. In this post, we highlight NSAC member projects in the field, analyze trends in the latest round of awards, and illustrate where BFRDP currently stands in the appropriations process for FY 2020.
Exploring Agriculture’s Role in Addressing Climate Change
The House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis held a hearing on October 30, 2019 to discuss the role of agriculture in identifying and implementing solutions to the climate crisis. This is the first time that the Select Committee has focused on the potential for America’s farmers and ranchers to be a positive force in the nation’s efforts to combat climate change. The Select Committee explored ways to help the agricultural sector increase carbon storage in farms, while also improving farm resiliency against severe weather events and increasing farm profitability. Many of the witnesses encouraged the Select Committee to make agriculture a key partner in fighting climate change.
Hearing Highlights Challenges and Opportunities for Organic Producers
The Biotechnology, Horticulture, and Research Subcommittee of the House Agriculture Committee held its second hearing on October 30, 2019 to review the state of organic agriculture, this time focusing on the perspective of producers. Organic farmers from across the country, representing a diversity of size and scale, were at the hearing. Topics of discussion included: challenges of organic certification, access to research funds, organic agriculture’s scalability, and opportunities for growth in the sector. Both witnesses and lawmakers spoke of the need to support organic standards and integrity in order to uphold consumer trust in the organic seal.
NSAC and NFSN jointly praised the Senate’s unanimous adoption of the resolution designating October 2019 as “National Farm to School Month.” This effort highlights the important relationship between farmers, schools, and our nation’s children. The organizations, which work closely together to advance federal policies that further farm to school connections and the socioeconomic benefits that those relationships confer, also underscored the opportunity for Senators to further support these efforts by including the Farm to School Act (S. 2026) and the Kids Eat Local Act (S. 1817) in the next CNR.
Comment: Senate Advances Agriculture Appropriations Bill
On Thursday, the Senate passed on the floor, as part of a four bill “minibus”, the final version of their Agriculture Appropriations bill for FY 2020. With another potential government shutdown looming once the current Continuing Resolution expires on November 21, the forward momentum of an agriculture spending bill is welcome news to farmers and farm advocates nationwide. The Senate’s Agriculture Appropriations bill for FY 2020 must now be conferenced with the House passed bill before becoming law. NSAC applauds the progress made, but urges increased support for VAPG and SARE, as well as language prohibiting the relocation of ERS and NIFA in the conferenced bill.
- Find more programs that aim to train the next generation of farmers at
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