USDA Soil Scientist Conservation Job in Nevada with NRCS

JOB:  State Soil Scientist, Nevada 2013

The USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Nevada is looking for a State Soil Scientist.  The position provides leadership for developing, managing, and directing a comprehensive and integrated technical soil services program for Nevada, and serves as the state liaison with  National Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS) cooperators.·

The position is offered to current NRCS employees in a competitive status position, or individuals with CTAP eligibility.  Salary ranges from $68,809.00 to $106,369.00/year.

Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is known worldwide for its accomplishments and innovations in conservation.  The employees of NRCS are recognized for their talent, dedication, and ingenuity in making the agency’s programs work   as they take necessary steps to reduce erosion, protect wildlife, promote good land use, and other measures to preserve the Nation’s natural resources for future generations.

For more information, visit USAJobs at For more information on the NRCS in Nevada, visit http:/

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