USDA Small Farms Field Day in Virginia

The VSU Small Farm Outreach Program presents: The 43,560 / USDA Field Day

Thursday, June 12, 2014 at VSU Randolph Farm – 4415 River Road, South Chesterfield, Virginia

 Learn How:

*You can possibly gross up to $43,560 on one acre of land

*USDA can help you grow your operation through the new Farm Bill


8:00 AM – Registration Opens (breakfast for pre-registered attendees)

8:45 AM – Welcome and Introductory Remarks

9:15 AM – Transition to First Breakout Session

9:30 AM – Session One Begins

10:45 AM – Transition to Second Breakout Session

11:00 AM – Session Two Begins

12:15 PM – Official End of Program (Speakers will remain on site to answer questions from attendees.)

Pre-registration is free and guarantees box breakfast


Register now at:

Sponsored by Virginia USDA StrikeForce, Old Dominion Electric Cooperative, and Colonial Farm Credit

3 Comments on USDA Small Farms Field Day in Virginia

  1. Is this event still open for registration? The URL did not work for me.

  2. our party of THREE needs to cancel our registration. Abel, Messer, Burke. So there are three breakfasts to spare. I cannot find the phone # to cancel…

  3. I visit day-to-day some blogs and information sites to
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