USDA Providing $290 Million in Financial Relief to Struggling Dairy Farmers through New Assistance Program (DELAP)

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Dec 18, 2009. U.S. Senator Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) applauded the Department of Agriculture for their implementation of the new Dairy Economic Loss Assistance Payment (DELAP) program which will provide $290 million for loss assistance payments to eligible dairy producers.

The announcement comes on the heels of a letter Senator Specter sent to the Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack on Friday in which he urged the Department to move promptly to enact the program by the year’s end. The funding for the program was made possible by an amendment that Senator Specter supported in the 2010 Agricultural Appropriations Bill which was approved by Congress on October 8th.

Read the full article from the Pittsburgh History Examiner HERE

Also read related articles at Iowa Farmer Today; and AG Weekly Online

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