USDA Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan Announces Resignation

In a statement released on Friday March 15th, USDA Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan announced her resignation.

Sources have indicated that she will be leaving USDA at the end of May.
Merrigan’s brief statement offered no explanation regarding the timing or reason for her resignation. “It has been an ambitious first term. From implementing the 2008 farm bill, improving school meals, expanding opportunities for American farmers, spending countless hours in the White House situation room, to shepherding USDA budgets through challenging times, it has been an honor to play a small part in history”, she said.

Merrigan has been a rare champion within the Department for sustainable agriculture issues including local food, beginning farmers, and the National Organic Program among other things

Read the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition’s Statement on Merrigan’s resignation:


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  1. USDA News Second High Ranking Official Resigns Within 2 Weeks

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