Urban Farming Jobs with Growing Hope in Michigan

Growing Hope-- a gardening, urban agriculture, farmers' market, and food access nonprofit in Ypsilanti, Michigan-- is currently recruiting for staff, intern, and Americorps*VISTA positions both at our organization and at other partner Washtenaw County programs!   Please help us spread the word. For descriptions and details, see our jobs page on our website.  Most positions are open until filled and we encourage applicants to submit materials right away; we are already considering candidates.  If you don't know us already, we encourage you to start volunteering if you're in the area, starting by filling out our Volunteer Application.

Open positions include:

  • Full-time staff position: Outreach & Volunteerism Manager.
  • Full-time, one-year Americorps*VISTA volunteer positions to begin in November 2010: We’re recruiting in several areas, including Farmers Market & EBT Outreach Coordinator, Urban Farm Manager, Community Organizer, Community Health Organize, Youth & Schools Coordinator, Social Enterprise Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator, and at our subsites at partner projects Edible Avalon (part of Avalon Housing) and Living Stones Community Farm.  Some VISTA members will be placed with Growing Hope, and some at partner sites (in food security & urban agriculture & community health) across Washtenaw County.  Preference to applications received before Labor Day. Important note: in addition to resume & cover letter submitted to GH, applicant must complete and submit online Americorps application here, including having online references completed.
  • Part-time unpaid internship: Fund Development Intern for the Growing Hope Center.
  • Unpaid volunteer service: Fund Development and Capital Campaign Committees.  Send short letter (in an email is fine) and resume to Executive Director Amanda Edmonds at amanda(at)growinghope(dot)net.  Open until filled.
All inquiries and questions should be sent to

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