Urban Agriculture Summit feat. Will Allen – tickets on sale now!

We’re less than 2 months away from Sowing Seeds Here and Now! A Chesapeake Urban Farming Summit on June 18th at the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center. Featuring Will Allen as our keynote speaker, this important event will draw on a nation of wisdom and expertise to identify and break down barriers to urban agriculture in the Baltimore / DC region, and inspire the next generation of farmers to create successful urban farming enterprises that create green jobs and healthy food in their neighborhoods while dismantling oppression and injustice in our food system.

First, we’re happy to announce that tickets are on sale! Get early-bird tickets now at a discount over the full ticket price.  Scholarships are also available.
We’re so excited to host this event, and are asking for your help in any of the following ways:
1) We’re seeking not just the most knowledgeable, but the most engaging and exciting presenters to share their understanding of the complex issues of urban agriculture.  If you are interesting in presenting at Sowing Seeds Here and Now!, or if you can suggest someone that has inspired you, please read and fill out the Call to Presenters form. We need all presenter proposals in by May 1st, so get going!
2) We need sponsors, both fiscal support and in-kind support.  A clear explanation of what it means to be a sponsor is available here,along with what you’ll get out of it!
3) We need volunteers both to get the word out to the many neighborhoods in our region, but to also help out at the summit.  If you are interested, please fill out this form.
All this information is available on the “Our Needs” page of the summit website.

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