Urban Agriculture and Sustainability Design Competition; Prizes in Multiple Categories

Urban Agriculture Design Competition

All entries due by midnight Jan. 31st, 2010 (see links below for more info.)

The SF Chapter of the Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA), the American Institute of Graphic Artists (AIGA) and the Interaction Designers Association (IxDA) would like to introduce you to this year’s Digging Deeper, Building Blocks for Sustainable Design – A multi-disciplinary design competition addressing real urban needs.

Problem Space:

Within San Francisco and many urban areas, the potential for using community gardens, backyard gardens, vacant or under-utilized lots, parks, greenhouses, and rooftops for food cultivation is significant. Urban agriculture is known to encourage community wide benefits in urban neighborhoods as well as wellness and business opportunities on an individual scale.

A set of prizes for each category will be offered. The main prize is the knowledge that you’re helping make the urban environment a better place to live.

  • 1st prize: $1000
  • 2nd prize $500
  • 3rd prize $250

For more information and video, see the Post on City Farmer News; For entry information visit the Post on Digging Deeper Digging Deeper

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