Upcoming Young Farmer Events

Young Farmer Events

Here is a list of young farmer events happening around the country:

Benson, NE   —  November 13  —  Sustainability Happy Hour
5 p.m. starting at Benson Brewery
We’ll start in Benson at the Benson Brewery with great conversations from brewer Nate and their new chef.  We’ll than trek down to Jane’s for a visit to the Juice Bar, followed by a visit to Krug Park and locally served vivations. More info.

Saratoga Springs, NY—November 13-14—NESAWG It Takes a Region Conference
At the Saratoga Hilton. More info here
NESAWG’s annual It Takes a Region Conference brings together farm and food practitioners across the 12-state Northeast region to learn, debate, collaborate, and innovate ideas and solutions to critical food systems issues.

South Glastonbury, CT —  November 14 — New CT Farmer Alliance (NCTFA)’s fall gathering
NCTFA hosts social events throughout the year for beginning and experienced farmers alike to connect with each other and strengthen Connecticut’s farming community. This event is free and open to farmers of all ages and backgrounds. Lunch and drinks will be provided. More information.

Willits, CA  —  November 15  —  Mendocino Farmers Guild Gathering
7 p.m. at Little Lake Grange Hall, 291 School St. More info.

Caspar, CA  —  November 16  —  Mendocino Coast Farmers Guild Gathering
7 p.m. at Fortunate Farm. More info.

Lincoln, NE  —  December 17  —  Year End Celebration
5 p.m. at Ploughshare Brewing
Come mingle with fellow young farmers, sustainable agriculture and local foods folks from across the region and enjoy locally crafted brews and food.For details, send an email.

WEBINAR  —  November 20  —  Harvesting a Profit: Benchmarking your Business with an Agribusiness Analysis
12 – 1:30 p.m. Register now.
This webinar presented by Farm Credit East will help you understand how to use profit measures effectively, set goals and benchmark your business against others in the industry. It will also cover management styles and gross margin analysis. The webinar will conclude with a case study reviewing the topics covered in this session.

WEBINAR  —  November 30  —  Harvesting a Profit: What is a Lender Looking For?
10 AM – 3 PM EST Register now
This webinar hosted by Farm Credit East will discuss how to finance your business and the “Five Cs” of credit your lender looks for. It will include an interview with Keith Stechschulte, Enfield Branch Office Manager, who will discuss how to “do your homework” before heading to the bank. The session will conclude with a review of key financial statements and a summary case study.

Sonoma Valley, CA  —  November 29  —  Petaluma & Sonoma Valley Farmers Guild Gathering
5 p.m. at Sonoma Valley Grange. More info.

Sebastopol, CA  —  December 1  —  Sebastopol Farmers Guild Buyer/Farmer Mixer Event
4 p.m. at Sebastopol Grange Hall, 6000 Sebastopol Ave. More info

Bozeman, MT — December 3-4 — Montana Organic Association Annual Conference
Conference will include an NYFC presentation and policy update. Young & beginning farmer mixer TBD. More information. 

Cortez, CO — December 4-5 — Soil Health Workshop
Hosted by High Desert Conservation District with support from NYFC and other partners

San Luis Obispo, CA  —  December 7  —  San Luis Obispo Farmers Guild Gathering
6 p.m. at San Luis Obispo Grange Hall, 2880 Broad St. More info.

Woodland, CA — December 7  —  Yolo Farmers Guild Gathering
6:30 p.m. at Norton Hall, 70 Cottonwood St. More info.

Columbia, MO — December 8 — Farm Employee Management
10 AM – 3 PM EST at the Bradford Research Center
The Missouri Young Farmer Coalition, Columbia Center for Urban Agriculture, and Purple Pitchfork bring you Chris Blanchard, presenting on the good management of employees on the farm. More info.

Greenfield, MA — December 12 — 1st Annual Northeast New Farmer Winter Gathering
Calling all farmers from MA, CT, RI, NY and beyond to build connections across our region. Conversation, food, music and a good time! Workshops will include anti-oppression training, advocacy training, and cooperative farming. Brought to you by the Hudson Valley Young Farmers Coalition, New Connecticut Farmers Alliance, The National Young Farmers Coalition, The New England Farmers Union, Harvard Food Literacy Project, and the Beginning Farmer Network of Massachusetts. More info.

Pacific Grove, CA — January 20 — Organic Elders and the Next Generation: Planning for Succession
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
We invite farmers of all generations to join California FarmLink, and organic industry partners to learn about options and help plan a campaign to create and share farmland and business succession strategies for the founders of California’s organic agriculture movement. The project will support established farmers in transitioning their businesses to new farmers. This is an Eco-Farm Pre-Conference event. More info.

Pacific Grove, CA – January 21 – EcoFarm New/Beginning Farmer/Rancher Mixer
6:30-9:30 p.m. at Asilomar State Beach and Conference Grounds during the EcoFarm Conference 
Emerging farmers and ranchers! Get to know the people that provide support to new farmers in the sustainable agriculture landscape. Meet other beginners, connect with resources, and link up with potential partners, landowners, and supporters. Enjoy resource speed dating, a lively reception, and music! Register.

Asheville, NC — February 20, 2016 — Business of Farming Conference 
ASAP’s Business of Farming Conference is a day of learning and networking for farmers and those seriously considering farming as a profession. More information.

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