Upcoming Farming Conferences Schedule

There are lots and lots of farming conferences coming this season. Here are just a few that may be coming to a state near you. Stay tuned for more…
Farming Conference Schedule:
Acres USA Conference and Eco-Ag U
December 8-11, 2015 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The Eco-Ag U offers intensive courses by eco-farming’s top consultants, practitioners, and thinkers for advanced learning. The conference features presentations by some of the world’s leading authorities and practitioners of ecological agriculture, including successful large-scale farmers, leading consultants, and cutting-edge scientists.
National Conference on Grazing Lands
December 13-16, 2015 in Grapevine, Texas
National Grazing Lands Coalition hosts this 6th national conference, including a special Grazing Land Soil Health tour of Texas. Sessions will address cover crops, soil health, grazing and forage management, business management, water quality, and more.
Professional Agricultural Workers Conference
December 6-8, 2015 in Tuskegee, Alabama
This 73rd annual conference is presented by Tuskegee University. “Beyond the Veil—Agriculture, Families and Communities of the Future: Local, National, and Global Perspectives” will address small farm issues, veterans in agriculture, bioenergy, climate change, and innovative programs.
Illinois Specialty Crops, Agritourism, and Organic Conference
January 6–8, 2016 in Springfield, Illinois
This major event offers pre-conference workshops and numerous sessions in conference tracks that include agritourism, fruits, vegetables, herbs, organic, and emerging issues.
Southeast Regional Fruit and Vegetable Conference
January 7-10, 2015 in Savannah, Georgia
This educational conference and trade show offers more than 80 hours of educational sessions addressing food safety concerns, specific commodity issues on production practices and increased yields, and marketing strategies.
New England Vegetable and Fruit Conference
December 15–17, 2015 in Manchester, New Hampshire
This event will include more than 25 educational sessions covering major vegetable, berry, and tree-fruit crops. Farmer to Farmer meetings will bring speakers and farmers together for informal, in-depth discussion. There is also an extensive trade show.
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