Upcoming Farming Conferences

Upcoming Farming Conferneces

Check out these upcoming farming conferences:

Cultivate the Chesapeake Foodshed
January 1416, 2016
Hyattsville, Maryland

Future Harvest CASA’s 17th annual conference offers 10 pre-conference workshops, seven conference tracks, and three keynote speakers, as well as local food tasting, interest gatherings, and more.

GrassWorks Grazing Conference
January 14-16, 2015
Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin

“Pastoralism in the Pastures” is the theme of this 24th annual conference. It offers dairy and silvopasture tracks, among a wide variety of general conference sessions. There will also be a poster session and trade show.

Nevada County’s Sustainable Food and Farm Conference
January 810, 2016
Grass Valley, California

This conference will bring together speakers, farming-related businesses, and organizations for a weekend of lectures, a food and farming exposition, and workshops for all levels of farming and ranching. Keynotes are Paul Stamets, Gabe Brown, and Jean-Martin Fortier.

See other upcoming farming conferences at:


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