Tomato Trellising, Pastured Poultry, Soil Tests, More…

trellising tomatoes

Join Future Harvest CASA for their Spring-Summer Webinar Series featuring Hands-on Tomato Trellising, Pest and Disease Management, Pastured Poultry 101, Staying Safe at Farmers Markets, and Weed Management…

“Hands-on” Tomato Trellising with Pest & Disease Management Tips 

Sunday, May 31 – 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

When it comes to tomatoes, it’s important to start strong. Proper planting depth, spacing, pruning, watering, trellising, and pest and disease identification and management will keep your plants hardy and productive all summer long. 

Join speakers from Quarter Acre FarmTerp Farm, and UMD Extension for this virtual “hands-on” tomato trellising workshop to learn everything you’ll need for a fruitful tomato season. This webinar is designed for beginners growing tomatoes in the field and/or in high tunnels. 
Register Here

Pasture Raised Poultry 101 

Sunday 6/7 – 11:00 am – 1:30 pm 

Join Jennifer Vaccaro and Brian Knox of Where Pigs Fly Farm to learn about all aspects of a pasture-raised broiler chicken operation.  This workshop will cover everything from equipment, security, and setup to daily chores and managing flock health. We will also be joined by Chesapeake Harvest food safety consultant Lindsay Gilmour, who will review food safety considerations for raising livestock near vegetables. Sliding Scale DonationRegister Here

Staying Safe and Essential at Farmers Markets 

Thursday 6/18 – 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

Consumers depend on farmers’ markets for fresh, local foods, and vendors depend on them as an outlet through which to sell products. Keeping these markets open while maintaining public safety during the COVID-19 pandemic is a priority. However, markets must implement proper precautions and amend their more social practices. Join us for an informative webinar with the market and farm managers of Potomac Vegetable Farms to learn how they are being innovative in design and responsive to their customers in these times! Sliding Scale DonationRegister Here

Weed Management with Common Root Farm 

Wednesday 6/24 – 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

Learn how farmers Ryan and Erika cultivate crops on their certified organic, Derwood, MD farm. We’ll discuss how Common Root manages weeds with minimal tillage and small-scale farm equipment.
Sliding Scale DonationRegister Here

Recordings of previous Future Harvest CASA Field School events, can be found on their website:

“Hands-On” Soil Test Clinic 5/26
Employee Management and Legal Considerations During Covid-19 5/19
We Want You! (To Start a Buying Club) 5/13
“Hands-on” Bed Preparation at Oak Spring Farm 4/25
Strategies for Managing Financial Risk During COVID-19 4/23


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