S.510 (Food Safety Bill) Passes in Senate – Latest News, What They’re Saying

Updated 2:04 pm, Tuesday, November 30th, 2010

S.510 has PASSED the Senate on a vote of 73 to 25 with the Tester amendment to exempt small farmers, processors, and local food intact.

Now it will move to conference for reconciliation with the House version. There have been indications that the House is willing to accept the Senate version.

READ THE LATEST NEW YORK TIMES ARTICLE: Senate Passes Overhaul of Food Safety Regulations

READ THE LATEST HUFFINGTON POST ARTICLE: Senate Passes Sweeping Food-Safety Bill


READ THE LATEST UPI ARTICLE: Bipartisan Senate Passes Food Safety Bill

READ THE LATEST LOS ANGELES TIMES ARTICLE: Senate Passes Food-Safety Legislation

READ THE LATEST CHANGE.ORG ARTICLE: Food Safety Reform Bill Passes in the Senate. Now What?

READ THE LATEST CBS NEWS ARTICLE: Senate Passes Landmark Food Safety Bill

READ THE LATEST NATURAL PRODUCTS INSIDER ARTICLE: Industry Members Applaud Passage of Food Safety Bill

Click HERE to see How individual Senators voted

What Some Senators are Saying in Press Releases, Blogs, Floor Statements, and Interviews:

Lamar Alexander (TN); Bernie Sanders (VT); Carl Levin (MI); Kay Hagan (NC); Herb Kohl (WI); Frank Lautenberg (NJ); Tom Carper & Chris Coons (Both DE); Tom Harkin (IA); Al Franken (MN); Tom Coburn (OK); Sherrod Brown (OH); Robert Casey Jr. (PA); Michael Bennet (CO)

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