The Farmer and the Dell®: Technology for Good Food, Free Webinar

The National Good Food Network Webinar presents a FREE WEBINARThe Farmer and the Dell®: Technology for Good Food Thursday, Sept 15, 20113:30-4:45 PM ET. Reserve Your Space Now!

How can technology help get more healthy, fair, affordable, green food to consumers? See five promising new technologies that help to get more Good Food into the food system. Each of these technologies represents a different method of bolstering regional food systems. The tools focus on the needs of many different actors in the food system: producers, aggregators, and even consumers.

The panelists will share what their tool does, why their technology will significantly improve regional food systems, and address the question that many have – is your model sustainable as a business?

A large block of time is reserved for your questions, moderated by Food + Tech Connect editor Danielle Gould (

Hear from: AgSquared – farm planning and management tool –;  Top10Produce – innovative farm traceability system –; Local – food hub “back office” system –; Idaho’s Bounty – cooperative-model food hub adapting open source software; and Real Time Farms – innovative farm to table information tool –

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