The Edible Schoolyard Academy: Creating Garden and Kitchen Classrooms in Every Community

The Edible Schoolyard Academy: Creating Garden and Kitchen Classrooms in Every Community When: June 26th-29th, 2011 Where: The Edible Schoolyard garden and kitchen classroom ∙ Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School ∙ 1781 Rose Street ∙ Berkeley, CA 94703 Deadline: March 31, 2011 To Apply: Click on this link to fill out the registration form. Description: The Chez Panisse Foundation presents the third annual Edible Schoolyard Academy: Creating Garden and Kitchen Classrooms in Every Community. The ESY Academy is designed to support emerging garden and kitchen programs nationwide, and to strengthen resource and information sharing among them. Led by Edible Schoolyard staff and guest presenters, the academy provides a three-day Edible Education immersion. Through hands-on activities, presentations, guided discussion, and curriculum building sessions, participants will learn to use tools for teaching Edible Education—an integrated approach to education in the garden, kitchen, and classroom.


The ESY Academy will begin with registration and a welcome event at Chez Panisse Restaurant on Sunday June 26th at 4pm. The following three days will each focus specifically on integral aspects of the Edible Schoolyard: the garden, the kitchen, and organizational development. Participants will have an opportunity to learn about curriculum integration, funding strategies, volunteer management, class scheduling, classroom systems and management in a non-traditional setting, outreach, and much more.


Participants will leave the ESY Academy with garden and kitchen lessons linked to academic standards, tools for developing programs in their own communities or ways to strengthen their existing ones, and a general understanding of how the Edible Schoolyard operates on a daily basis.


The Edible Schoolyard Academy will also help create a network of people all over the world who are at different stages of developing Edible Education in their communities.


Cost: $650 Includes breakfast and lunch on June 27th-29th


If you have any questions please review our FAQ page.


Space is limited (and all of our ESY Academies have sold out in the past), so register early!

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Winslow Carroll


Administrative Coordinator

The Edible Schoolyard


1781 Rose Street

Berkeley, CA 94703


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