Take Action to Support Beginning Farmer Legislation

Take Action to Support Beginning Farmer Legislation Through the Appropriations Process – A Call from the National Young Farmers Coalition
Thanks to the grassroots actions of sustainable agriculture and beginning farmer supporters from many groups across the political spectrum, many of top priorities of the National Young Farmers Coalition made it into the 2018 Farm Bill. But the farm bill process is not over yet! Many of the beginning and young farmer wins need to be funded annually by Congress through the appropriations process.
Funding needs include beginning farmer training, research on farmland ownership and land access, and resolving heirs property issues (one of the biggest causes of farmland loss among farmers of color).
Your Member of Congress needs to hear from you THIS WEEK. Take action to support beginning farmer legislation and let them know that these preliminary wins are important and should be fully funded. A few Members of Congress assemble the Agriculture Appropriations bill, but all Members can play an important role.
Our Coalition has made our priorities clear, but Congress needs to hear from YOU to understand that the Agriculture Appropriations must include support for young farmers and ranchers and farmers of color.
Read more about the important young farmers farm bill programs that need your support on our blog.
The National Young Farmers Coalition (NYFC) is a national advocacy network of young farmers fighting for the future of agriculture. We change policy, build networks, and provide business services to ensure all young farmers have the chance to succeed. NYFC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Mission: NYFC represents, mobilizes, and engages young farmers to ensure their success.
Vision: We envision a country where young people who are willing to work, get trained, and take a little risk can support themselves and their families in farming.
Guiding Principles: The National Young Farmers Coalition supports practices and policies that will sustain young, independent and prosperous farmers now and in the future.
- Get more information about Farm Policy and Agricultural Politics at https://www.beginningfarmers.org/farm-policy-agricultural-politics/
- Find more useful farming resources at https://www.beginningfarmers.org/additional-farming-resources/
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