Sustainable Urban Agriculture and Farming Classes Online

Join the movement to make your urban landscape more productive and more sustainable through farming. Register for one or more of the 2013 online classes that are part of the University of Guelph's certificates in Sustainable Urban Agriculture (SUA) and Sustainable Urban Horticulture (SUH). Courses offered this winter include:   1) Fundamentals of the Role of Plants in Urban Sustainability - Examine the impact of ornamental and food gardens to your community's health and well being. 2) Food Processing and Urban Gardening - Develop the skills needed to safely harvest, prepare and preserve food from urban gardens. 3) Ecology of Gardens and Landscapes in an Urban Environment - Examine the differences between 'natural green' and urban green - and the implications of those differences for people living in urban spaces. 4) Agricultural Plant Selection for Urban Gardeners - Identify edible annual, biennial, perennial, herbaceous and woody plants. Get insight on crop growing practices plus those skills needed to harvest.

Practical and applied information that is accredited, flexible and accessible. These 12 week courses start on Monday, January 7, 2013. Register before December 7, 2012 and receive the Early Bird tuition fee of $595.00.

Get the information you need to be a better urban gardener. Programs fill fast so avoid disappointment and register today!

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1 Comment on Sustainable Urban Agriculture and Farming Classes Online

  1. Hi,

    This domain is interresting me that why I want to learn more about it.

    I have 85 ha of land under management of NGO in D.R.Congo / Africa.

    So, I have to learn more about project of the farm.

    Warm Regards.


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