Sustainable Food and Farming Online Summer Courses

organic crop insurance

Registration is now open for the summer online classes in Sustainable Food and Farming at UMass Amherst.  These may either be taken individually or as part of a 15-credit Certificate Program.  For a list of classes see:

This summer they are offering:

Full Summer Term (May 18 – August 8, 2015)

STOCKSCH 108 – Introduction to Botany (4 Credits)

Summer  I Classes (May 18 – June 26, 2015)

STOCKSCH 100 – Botany for Gardeners (GenEd-BS; 4 credits)

STOCKSCH 120 – Organic Gardening and Farming (GenEd-BS; 4 credits)

STOCKSCH 197 A – Backyard Homesteading (3 credits)

STOCKSCH 290 C –  Land Use Policy & Sustainable Farming (3 credits)

STOCKSCH 297 FP – Farm Management, Planning and Marketing (3 credits)

STOCKSCH 397 C – Community Food Systems (3 credits)

Summer  II Classes (July 6  – August 14, 2015)

STOCKSCH 100 – Botany for Gardeners (GenEd-BS; 4 credits)

STOCKSCH 117 – Agricultural Chemistry (3 credits)

STOCKSCH 297 V – Organic Vegetable Production (3 credits)

STOCKSCH 397 AE – Agricultural Ecology (3 credits)

STOCKSCH 397 S – Sustainable Site Planning and Design (3 credits)

STOCKSCH 397 FV – Post-harvest Handling of Fruits and Vegetables (3 credits)

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