Sustainable Agriculture Research, BFRDP, and More

sustainable agriculture research
Issues this week include Sustainable Agriculture Research, Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Funding, and Racial Equality in Food and Agriculture
Path to the 2018 Farm Bill: Sustainable Agriculture Research
Despite the immense benefits conferred by publicly funded research, the federal programs that provide most of these services have been woefully underfunded for years. The 2018 Farm Bill is an opportunity to reverse the trend toward privatization and lost diversity. By reinvesting in public sustainable agriculture research, we are simultaneously investing in the resiliency of our food system, expanding opportunities for innovation and new markets, and bringing choice and diversity back to American producers…
Funding Available to Help Train the Next Generation of Farmers
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently announced the availability of $22 million in grant funds to help launch new and expand existing programs to train beginning farmers, including a new initiative to train military veterans. The Requests for Applications (RFA) for fiscal year (FY) 2018 for both programs were released last week and detailed information and application instructions are currently available on NIFA’s website…
Beginning Farmers Make Strides with Support from Federal Programs
Since its creation in 2002, BFRDP has invested nearly $145 million in developing and strengthening innovative new farmer training and resource programs across the country. This week USDA announced an $18 million investment in FY 2017 to support 36 new farmer training programs across the country. We would specifically like to congratulate and highlight the seven NSAC member organizations that received awards this cycle…

Racial Equity in The Farm Bill: Context and Foundations

This is the first in a multi-part series written and curated by NSAC Policy Intern Noah McDonald, which explores how the next Farm Bill can advance racial equity in food and agriculture. It explores some of the historical context for the racial inequities within our food system, federal efforts at addressing past discriminatory practices, and provides an overview of grant and technical assistance programs for limited resource farmers and farmers of color…


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