Sustainable Agriculture News Mid-May 2013: Grant Opportunities, Crop Insurance, etc.

Sustainable Agriculture News Mid-May 2013: Grant Opportunities, Crop Insurance, etc.

USDA Taking Rural Business Opportunity Grant Applications: USDA has issued a notice that the Rural Development Agency is taking applications for Rural Business Opportunity Grants (RBOG).  RBOG funds feasibility studies, strategic planning, leadership training and other services and activities that can foster the creation of businesses and jobs in rural areas.  Eligible applicants include public entities, non-profit organizations, institutions of higher education, Indian tribes and rural cooperatives with members that are primarily rural residents.  Read more…

USDA Announces Improvements to Organic Crop Insurance: This week, USDA Secretary Vilsack announced additional crop insurance options for organic farmers available in 2014.  Earlier this year,USDA made progress on organic crop insurance options by removing the premium surcharge for organic producers and making other adjustments.  In this week’s announcement, Vilsack discussed plans for releasing additional organic price elections as well as a contract price option for a number of crops.  Read more...

More Time and More Funding for Farm Energy Grants and Loans: USDA has announced that the deadline for applying for FY2013 Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) grants, loans, and feasibility studies has been extended to May 31, 2013.  Read more…

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