Sustainable Agriculture News: Local Farms, 2014 Budget

National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition News on Local Farms and the President’s 2014 Budget

Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio and Representative Chellie Pingree of Maine today introduced their Local Farms, Food, and Jobs Act of 2013 (S. 679 and H.R. 1414). Read more about the Press Conference Here; Read more about the Bill Provisions Here

President’s 2014 Budget: Overview and Department of Agriculture: On Wednesday, April 10, President Obama released his budget request for Fiscal Year (FY) 2014.  In this year’s ongoing budget saga, the White House is billing its proposal as a step towards reaching a “grand bargain” with Republicans over taxes and spending.

President’s 2014 Budget: FDA and Food Safety Modernization Act: The President’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 budget request includes $295.8 million for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that is targeted to transforming food safety.

2 Comments on Sustainable Agriculture News: Local Farms, 2014 Budget

  1. Farm Equipments // April 15, 2013 at 4:12 am // Reply

    Lovely post about the farming budget. The budget should satisfy the farmers and fulfill their needs.

  2. Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas -nonprofit. Sustainable agriculture and organic farming news, events and funding opportunities, plus publications on production practices, alternative crop and livestock enterprises, innovative marketing, organic certification, and highlights of local, regional, USDA and other federal sustainable ag activities.

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