Sustainable Agriculture News for 2nd week of September, 2011

News from the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition for the 2nd Week of September, 2011:

Farmers’ Guide to the Conservation Stewardship Program: On Wednesday September 7, the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC) released an updated version of our popular Farmers’ Guide to the Conservation Stewardship Program.  The Guide is intended to help family farmers, ranchers, and foresters understand the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) enrollment process.  In addition, it provides clear information on conservation activities eligible for CSP payments to improve conservation performance and environmental benefits. Read more…


Senate Agriculture Spending Bill Unveiled: On Wednesday, September 7, the Senate Appropriations Committee passed its fiscal year (FY) 2012 Agriculture Appropriations bill by voice vote. The Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee received an overall allocation of $19.78 billion for discretionary spending in FY 2012, translating to a $192 million reduction below the already low FY 2011 levels.  The House bill passed earlier this year was based on a much lower, pre-budget deal allocation. Read more…


The 2011 National Organic Certification Cost Share Program (NOCCSP) is now accepting State applications for 2011.  States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, are eligible to apply for the program funds. Participating States will then accept applications from organic producers and handlers who need financial assistance for organic certification. Read more…

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