Spin Farms Workshops on Managing Food Plots, California

Fresh SPIN Farms is holding the second set of workshops in their Managing Food Plots series Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday mornings October 4th, 5th, and 8th.

Visit the farm just west of Davis and learn about the methods we are using for intensive production at our Urban Farm Training Center.  Paper sheet mulch and compost provide weed management while at the same time producing an ideal planting bed for direct seeded vegetables and leafy greens.  Keep your nutrients and water where your roots are.

These hands on worshops present the important concepts of our methods, give participants a chance to see this weed management and production in action, and practice preparation of new planting areas over existing weeds.  Participants see first hand what conditions we work with to appreciate the flexibility of this system and understand how proper installation reduces workloads while promoting yeilds and preserving water and nutrient applications.  Our all natural system is demonstrated on bare and weed covered ground for first plantings as well as on crop rotations.

Three worshop dates: Oct. 4th and 5th from 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. and Saturday October 8th from 10:00 A.M. to noon.  (we will add a fourth workshop Saturday from 1:00 – 3:00 P.M. if requested).

See how Fresh SPIN Farms produces over 1 pound of harvestable vegetables per square foot in less than 6 months using this earth friendly technique of learning how nature build soils and nurtures plant populations. Weather you are a part time gardener, working with pots and containers, growing commercially, or working for social change in food security, you owe it to yourself, your organization, and those you are feeding to attend this workshop!

Sign up now at Eventbright for one of the open dates: For more information or to ask for additional workshop dates and times look us up on Facebook, or contact Ed Garrett via email at:

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