Somerville, MA: Hands-on Vermicomposting Workshop

Groundwork Somerville’s SoilCycle team is leading a vermicomposting workshop!!!  This workshop will provide you with everything you need to take home a “kitchen scrap-ready” worm bin and will provide you with a group technical assistance session to answer any questions you may have about beginning to compost in your home.

When: Tuesday, Nov. 16th, 5:30-7pm
Where: The Groundwork Somerville Offices, 21 Properzi Way, Somerville
(next door to Hemlock Ink, just off Somerville Ave.)

Cost: $75 for the first member of a household, $5 for each additional household member
***This workshop is geared at adults, children over age 10 are welcome to join in the fun for FREE***

Your Vermicomposting Workshop Fee Includes:
1) a full hands-on tutorial about building and maintaining your bin; 2) a copy of the “SoilCycle Guide to Home Worm Composting”; 3) Red Wiggler Worms harvested on the spot!; 4) compost castings to jumpstart your happy worm environment; 5) materials and tools needed to start your bin

Space is limited.  Pre-registration and payment required.  To Sign Up contact Soilcycle:

617-928-9988 (office)
617-947-8971 (cell)

Deadline Friday, Nov. 12th.

1 Comment on Somerville, MA: Hands-on Vermicomposting Workshop

  1. I,m not a resident of Sommerville, can I still attend

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