Soil and Nutrition Conference 2015: Farm as Ecosystem

February 11-12, 2015

Early bird deadline is Monday, December 1st at 11:59pm.  Register now to save up to $50.

SOIL & NUTRITION CONFERENCE February 11-12, 2015 Northampton, MA @ First Churches
Bionutrient Food Association (BFA) and the Northeast Organic Farming Association / Massachusetts Chapter (NOFA/Mass) are proud to present the fourth annual Soil and Nutrition Conference, a Conference that is making the connection between soil health, plant health, animal health, and our health, while also fostering community with Conference attendees. Sign up by December 1 for the Early-Bird Discount!

This two-day premier event conference will be filled with valuable, useful, and time tested information for growers and consultants seeking to expand their growing skills with proven strategies. Participate in the discussions to further enhance your understanding of creating healthy, vibrant soils and resilient crops of higher quality. Intensive information sharing taking place during these two days will help provide invaluable guidelines to improve production and profitability on your farm, improve your health and vitality, and increase your likelihood of achieving continued success and viability during a period of time of increased extreme weather conditions, from droughts to high rain fall amounts.


Presenters & breadth of topics include:

  • John Slack of Boreal Agrominerals, Inc., Ontario, Canada ( – Soil GeoChemistry and Mineral Deficiency, Crop Health, and Strategies for Scientific Remineralization.
  • Bryan O’Hara of Tobacco Road Farm, Lebanon, CT – No Till Vegetable Cropping Methods, Homemade Inoculants, Sprays, and Drenches.
  • Mark Fulford of Teltane Farm, Monroe, ME ( – Revitalizing Pasture Land, and Beyond Chemistry: Soil Biology and Soil Cycles.
  • Derek Christianson of Brix Bounty Farm, Dartmouth, MA ( – Specific Management, Early Season Production, and Dry Weather Production.
  • Dan Kittredge of Bionutrient Food Association ( – Update on Quality Research.

What should I expect to gain?

  1. Greater understanding of mineral balancing and trace mineral requirements in the soil, plant, animal, and human.
  2. New strategies to balance, invigorate, and expand the hidden workforce of microorganisms for enhanced farm profitability, using specific organisms as problem solvers.
  3. Increased recognition of the power of foliar fertilizing, natural plant growth stimulants, leaf analysis, and in-field monitoring tools.
  4. Improved acknowledgment of the interrelationship between soil health, animal health, human health, and planetary health.
  5. Camaraderie and relationship building with those of like mind from around the northeast and beyond!


Sign up soon for the Early-Bird Discount!
By Dec 1: NOFA/BFA member $100; Non-member $125
By Feb 10: NOFA/BFA member $125; Non-member $156
On Feb 11: NOFA/BFA member $150; Non-member $188

For more information, please visit the 2015 Soil & Nutrition Conference webpage:







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