Small Meat Processing Plants Support and More

Programs to Support Small Meat Processing Plants, Agricultural Research for Climate Resilience, Principles on Immigration and Agriculture, and COVID-19 Resources from the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC)
USDA Programs Support Small Meat Processing Plants
The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has brought the instability of the consolidated meat and poultry sectors into sharp focus. Luckily, there are a few existing federal programs that could be expanded to further support small, local, and regional meat and poultry processing plants and increase farmers’ access to slaughter and processing options, highlighted in The Niche Meat Processors Assistance Network (NMPAN)’s most recent report. Check out the highlights of this report and its reccomendations for supporting the viability of the small meat sector below:
Regional and Long-Term Agricultural Research Build Climate Resilience
Editor’s Note: This is the fifth blog in a series focusing on specific provisions included in the Agriculture Resilience Act (ARA) introduced by Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-ME) in February 2020. The ARA represents the first comprehensive piece of legislation introduced in the House of Representatives addressing climate change and agriculture. Read blogs one, two, three, and four here.
The climate crisis requires long term (decades), nationwide research and outreach endeavors that addresses region-specific impacts of climate change, as well as delivering new and emerging solutions to producers.This blog post focuses on ARA provisions for two programs that address these needs, which were also included in the recently published House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis report.
NSAC Adopts Updated Principles on Immigration and Agriculture
After a year of deliberation, discussion, and editing, NSAC recently updated its Principles on Immigration and Agriculture to reflect the current priorities of the coalition in this area, including centering racial equity. The principles are a statement of ideals that the coalition wishes to see in immigration and agriculture policy and serve as a guiding framework for the coalition’s advocacy efforts in this area.
Updated COVID-19 Resources:
The coronavirus pandemic has presented enormous challenges to farmers, farm and food system workers, and consumers.The work of NSAC to help others continues to develop rapidly.
This page compiles all of the resources NSAC has received and will be updated on an ongoing basis as we learn about new available resources.
You can also read NSAC’s Statement in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and find technical resources and analysis here.
Get more information about Farm Policy and Agricultural Politics here.
Find tons of farming resources on a wide variety of topics here.
Find more COVID-19 resources for farmers HERE and HERE.
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