Small Holder Farm Career Day & Job Fair, Michigan

Monday, April 19 @ Washtenaw Community College’s Morris Lawrence Building

1:00  Hiring 101 Panel for Farmers

2:00  Working on the Farm Panel: What do you need to know?

3:00 – 5:00  Job Fair

This event, the first of its kind in SE Michigan, is an opportunity to bring farmers and job seekers together so our entire community of skills is available to grow our local food system.

We encourage farmers to consider all of the skills needed to make their farm a thriving business. Maybe you need a website, a welder, a production manager, a book keeper, a food safety coordinator, someone to repair machines, and don’t forget field labor. Whether you need a one-time project completed or ongoing help you can find the talent you need at the Small Holder Farm Career Day and Job Fair. Farmers, please complete the attached registration form to get a table at the event or call Victoria Bennett at 734-973-3364 to talk about how this event could help your farm.

We encourage job seekers (or really anyone interested in learning more about farming) to consider what skills they have to help SE Michigan farms reach full potential. Looking for a job, but not sure farm work is right for you? Come to the panel discussions and find out what it’s all about.

Co-Sponsored by: Washtenaw Community College & Food System Economic Partnership (FSEP)

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  1. Washtenaw Community College to bring local farmers and chefs together to explore opportunities for collaboration

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