Small Grains Farminars from Practical Farmers of Iowa

February is Small Grains Month in the Practical Farmers of Iowa Farminar Series

Feb. 3-- Setting Up Fall and Spring Small Grain Production for Success- Now Archived! Feb. 10-- Oats for Iowa: Variety Selection an Agronomic Production Tips- Now Archived! Feb. 17-- Cereal Rye: Stand Evaluation and Seed Selection

All farminars offered by Practical Farmers of Iowa are free and open to everyone. Offered each Tuesday night at 7:00pm CST through the end of March, these 90 minute webinars are presented by farmers and experts on a wide range of topics.

Cereal Rye: Stand Evaluation and Seed Selection Tuesday, February 17th 7pm CST Learn management tactics critical to success with cereal rye. Greg Roth of Penn State University will discuss his experiences and research with rye, including new hybrid rye originally developed in Europe that is yielding well in U.S. trials. Iowa farmer Tim Sieren will share some of his experiences - both good and bad - growing cereal rye for seed. He will also discuss some of the equipment he uses for seeding, harvesting, storage and seed cleaning. Greg Roth is a professor in the Department of Plant Science at Penn State University. As the extension grain crops specialist, he develops educational programs for extension agents, agribusiness groups and producers. Tim Sieren runs a small, diversified family farm in southeastern Iowa raising corn, soybeans, hogs, cattle and small grains. He added cereal rye into the cropping system as an additional source of forage for his cattle, and after seeing the soil benefits started using it as a cover crop between no-till soybeans and corn.

--Click here to participate in this live farminar--

on Tuesday, February 17th at 7pm CST

Missed a Farminar? Check the Archive!

Last Week: Oats for Iowa: Variety Selection and Agronomic Production Tips

Iowa farmers have long grown oats for feed and food markets. Although oat acres have decreased dramatically since the 1960s, reduced corn and soybean prices have farmers looking to put oats back into the rotation because of their economic competitiveness. But what varieties and production methods are best for oats in 2015? Learn more about what oat varieties to select – including new varieties that are available – improved production methods, and agronomic decisions to ensure the best yields and quality. Watch this archived farminar here.

Click here for all archived farminars

2015 Winter Farminar Series

  • February 24 – Custom Grazing

Lani Malmberg and Doug Bartels

  • March 3 – Marketing for your Farm

Gene Gage, Tyler Magnuson and Caitie Caughey

  • March 10 – Meat Pricing

Bobbie Gustafson and Tom Cory

  • March 17 – Head to Head: Comparing two crop insurance options for specialty crop farmers

Kevin McClure, Mark Shilts, and Emma Johnson

  • March 24 – Pesticide Drift: Prevention and response

Andy and Melissa Dunham

  • March 31 – Food Safety Modernization Act: Implications for farmers

Sophia Kruszewski and Chris Blanchard

Click here for full topic and speaker descriptions

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