Small Farms Summit 2012 – Free at 4 Sites in New York

Small Farmers: Shape Your Future! Free Registration Open for the 2012 Small Farms Summit in New York

The Cornell Small Farms Program is pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 2012 statewide Small Farms Summit to be held Wednesday, February 29th, from 9:30am – 3:30pm. The Summit is an interactive meeting with an opportunity for all participants to take part in lively discussion and provide important feedback, both locally, and across the state.

At the 2012 Summit, participants will be asked to reflect on recent successes and identify new concerns and challenges affecting the growth of the small farm sector.  We’ll be issuing a preliminary e-survey in early Febuary to capture feedback from voices that can not attend the Summit.  In the morning session, we’ll discuss issues that emerged in the survey and generate additional ideas from participants.  In the afternoon session, participants will work within their regional sites to prioritize areas of importance over the next 5 years.

The Summit is free to attend and lunch will be provided. Farmer participation is especially encouraged, but educators, agricultural service providers, policy makers, non-profit organizations, students and community members are all welcome.

2012 Summit Host Sites – Please contact your local host to register:
Central NY

Location: Mann Library, Agriculture Quad, Cornell University Campus
Address: Tower Road, Ithaca, NY 14853
To register: Violet Stone at 607-255-9227 or
Eastern NY
Location: Albany County, Cornell Cooperative Extension office
Address:  24 Martin Road, Voorheesville, NY 12186
To register: Gale Kohler at
Northern NY
Location: St. Lawrence County, Cornell Cooperative Extension office
Address: Extension Learning Farm Classroom at 2043 SH 68, Canton, NY  13617
To register: Brent Buchanan at or 315-379-9192 Ext 231
Western NY
Location: Wyoming County, Cornell Cooperative Extension Office
Address: 401 North Main Street, Warsaw, NY 14569
To register: Joan Petzen‎ at or 585-786-2251
Long Island
Location: Suffolk County, Cornell Cooperative Extension Office
Address:  423 Griffing Ave, Riverhead, NY 11901
To register:  Sandy Menasha at or 631-727-7850

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