Small Farm (Organic, Not Certified) Available for Use in Michigan

A small organic farm (not certified) is available for use in Alpena, Michigan in 2011.

The farm is on 8.5 acres off King Settlement Rd in Alpena County, approximately 10 miles west of Alpena. There are 2.5 acres fenced and a half acre of raised beds which have been used for vegetable production. The farm has a 30’ x 96’ Rimol hoop house, small propagation green house, and irrigation is available. A small New Holland tractor with bucket and 42" tiller, walk behind Honda rototiller, Craftsman garden tractor, and numerous hand tools are also available. The farm has a 24’ x 42’ barn with full loft and small walk-in cooler (with coolbot). There is a finished bedroom and partially finished great room in the loft and an office and bathroom on the lower level.

The farm has operated as a small CSA with 20 members over the past four years (Centurion Farms CSA), with additional farm market sales. There’s an opportunity to continue the CSA operation with a small committed core and numerous volunteers, but no obligation. There is also growing interest in farm to restaurant and retail operations in Alpena.

We’re willing to offer use of the farm in exchange for continuing operation and maintenance of the farm property.

For more information, please contact Brian Botkin at (231) 709-3099 or email This is an awesome opportunity for a motivated, energetic person or couple who don’t currently have a farm of their own.

Centurion Farms, 7369 Wallace Rd, Alpena, MI 49707

You can check out the farm at Local Harvest:

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