Sierra Harvest Farm Crew Jobs in California

Harvest Farm Crew

Sierra Harvest Farm Crew Jobs for 2017 – Nevada County, California

Apply for the Sierra Harvest Farm Crew Jobs and build your farming skills through on-the-job training, advanced coursework, and an individualized learning plan. Farm Crew members work April through November on a farm or ranch in Nevada County, California while attending weekly classes in sustainable production methods and building a community alongside a cohort of other early-career farmers.

Learn more about the Sierra Harvest Farm Crew Jobs at

Job responsibilities will be determined by the host farms. Each Farm Crew member will be placed on a host farm to work a minimum of 20 hours per week at minimum wage (some host farms may offer more hours.)

An additional 10 hours per week will be spent working towards independent educational goals. Learn to repair a tractor! Keep a hive of bees! Manage a greenhouse! Operate a goat dairy! Our host-farms offer a wide range of skill-building opportunities and we will support you to create an individualized learning plan to set and meet goals over the course of the season. Make the most of your first few years farming!

Farm Crew members from across the region will gather weekly as a cohort to attend advanced production skills courses and community building events.

Ideal candidates for Sierra Harvest Farm Crew Jobs are:
-Serious about a career in sustainable farming and ranching,
-Prepared to commit to and work hard for a commercial farming operation for an entire season,
-Have had some experience farming,
-Excited to live in a rustic setting,
– Ready and willing to build community with other Farm Crew members,
-Committed to independent learning.

Hard working, motivated early-career farmers are encouraged to fill out this online application for the Sierra Harvest Farm Crew Jobs by January 31st, 2017

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