Saving Seeds Event, Small Farm Conference in Michigan, 2012

Saving Seeds from the Farm or Garden Brought to you by Get Farming! A project of the Michigan Land Use Institute Saturday, January 14, 2am to 4pm, 2012 Grow Benzie, 5885 M-115 (Frankfort Hwy.), Benzonia, MI Saving seeds can benefit growers in many ways. Growers can preserve rare varieties, adapt favorites to their growing conditions, plant the freshest possible seeds, and save money. Three local seed saving enthusiasts will provide specific instructions on saving seeds. You can learn the basics of seed saving. More in-depth training will be provided for a wide variety of vegetable crops. Bring seeds to sell, trade, or give away. Table space will be provided at no cost. Presenters: Craig Schaaf, Golden Rule Farm; Casey Duneagua, Five Springs Farm; Mike Kiessel, Leelanau County plant breeder. Bring a dish to pass for a potluck lunch. A donation of $10 ($12 for families) is suggested. Bay Bucks are welcome. Pre-registration is requested. Contact Jim Sluyter at 231-941-6584, ext. 15,, or register online at, where a detailed agenda is available.

This program is brought to you by the Michigan Land Use Institute, Grow Benzie, ISLAND, and the NW Michigan Food & Farming Network, with support from the USDA Risk Management Agency and Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Northern Michigan Small Farm Conference
Saturday, January 28, 8am to 5pm, 2012
Grayling High School, 1135 North Old US 27, Grayling, MI

Click “read more” for detailed information.

The Northern Michigan Small Farm Conference serves as a vehicle to promote and build a local vibrant agriculture community, to equip the small farm community with the tools to be successful, and to be a forum for the open exchange of ideas within the small farm community. For detailed information, visit

Keynote: Getting Real About Food and the Future! Christpher P. Bedford, 4/25/1944 – 6/15/2011

Chris Bedford’s last film is designed to help communities and neighborhoods take the first steps towards food security and a thriving economic future in the Post-Petroleum era. Designed to spur organizing and action, Getting Real About the Food & the Future emphasizes solutions and answers to the deepest problems of the transition to a new food economy. This 30 minute film features the wisdom of John McKnight, William McDonough, Lester Brown and others.

Post-Film Dialogue: Telling the Truth and Celebrating the Roots of Community: An Appreciation of Chris Bedford and His Documentaries, Stephanie Mills
In her brief talk following the film screening, author and bioregionalist Stephanie Mills will share an appreciation of Chris Bedford and his documentary films, reflect on his life of service and offer gratitude for his dedication and courage. Chris Bedford was a Small Farm Committee member until his untimely passing in June.

With generous support from: Charlevoix County Community Foundation, Cherry Capital Foods, C.S. Mott Chair of Sustainable Agriculture at Michigan State University, Edible Grande Traverse, Greenstone Farm Credit, Institute for Sustainable Living, Art & Natural Design (ISLAND), Michigan Organic Food & Farm Alliance (MOFFA), Michigan State University Extension, MSU Product Center, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS), Northern Lakes Economic Alliance, Petoskey-Harbor Springs Area Community Foundation, W. K. Kellogg Chair in Agricultural Food and Community Ethics, Michigan State University

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