Resources for Poultry Owners and Handlers

Resources for Poultry Owners and Handlers

USDA APHIS Releases Defend the Flock Resources for Poultry Owners and Handlers

The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is announcing the availability of a full suite of resources for poultry owners and handlers. These materials, developed as part of APHIS’ Defend the Flock campaign, will help anyone who owns or works with poultry to practice good biosecurity every day, every time in order to protect our nation’s flocks from infectious disease. Disease outbreaks can lead to devastation of flocks and result in job and financial losses, restrictions on trade, and affect prices on eggs, prepared poultry, and other staples.

Defend the Flock resources reflect the knowledge, insights, and experience of USDA, veterinarians, professional owners and growers, scientists, and other experts about the practice of good biosecurity. The materials and recommended practices are based on principles developed under the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP).

The Defend the Flock campaign offers a dedicated Resource Center, providing 24-7 access to free materials intended for both commercial and backyard growers. These materials include:

  • A series of 15 checklists, each based on a different biosecurity principle
  • Recordings of the Defend the Flock webinars with APHIS veterinarians and other experts
  • Graphics for use in social media
  • Videos
  • Newsletters
  • Information that can be shared on websites and newsletters

Most resources are available in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Tagalog, as well as accessible versions for individuals with disabilities. All materials are available for download. Print copies of some items may be ordered from APHIS. Additional items will be available to order later this year (delays due to COVID-19).

Information about biosecurity and the Defend the Flock campaign is available online at

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